
  1. G

    what tf is going on 😩

    I need a “confused af” flair. Anyway, I had a D&C for a MMC @6w4d on 3/9. I tested out my HCG with e@h, and frer. I got negatives on e@h around 3/29-4/1, and negative on frer like 4/12 i think…? On 4/13 mt HCG was 3 per lab work. I got my period 4/14-4/17, no bleeding 4/18 or 4/19. I start...
  2. J

    Early hCG levels and viability

    Hi y’all! I’ve tried looking everywhere online and only found a couple of reliable week by week average hCG progression charts. I got my blood drawn Friday (15 Dec.) and my hCG was 111. If I’m going off of last period, I would’ve been 3w5d then. If I go off of my estimated conception date, I’d...
  3. P

    Positive fFN at 18/4. Now what? Any experiences with FFN in 2nd trimester on here?

    Hi, just fishing for experiences really. Short backstory on me: 2x early loss, 1x late loss (SCH led to infection led to IC). Had terrible SCH bleeds 8w-16w in this pregnancy. On 200mg x2 progesterone daily. Had my first fFN test today, it's positive. Despite everything I wasn't expecting that...
  4. H

    Had first U/S and I'm a little worried d/t baby being smaller than expected..

    My LMP was 10/16 and I conceived 11/3 (CD 19). I'm supposed to be 7weeks 3 days. Baby only measured 6w 4days, but HR was 128. I'm really confused and feeling a little concerned. I go back in 2 weeks for a second ultrasound (they said so they can get a better idea of the due date). Any thoughts?
  5. G

    HCG results - are they tracking okay? Doctor won’t scan till 8 weeks

    Hi! I did my 5th (!!!) FET on April 17th with two 5 day embryos. - Beta 1: 7DPT, 14.5 - Beta 2: 11DPT, 150 - Beta 3: 13DPT, 423 - Beta 4: 16DPT, 1078 My third transfer resulted in a blighted ovum, so I am currently terrified at 5 weeks 1 day, knowing my doctor will only see me for an...
  6. H

    Experience w/ slow hcg rise 5-6 weeks

    TW: miscarriage and child loss Third pregnancy, trying not to spiral but also want to prepare myself. 5.5w hcg levels were just over 6000, and 48hours later they had only risen a little more than 1000 to 7000-something. My OB wasn’t immediately concerned and wanted another draw (TBD), while...
  7. G

    Hcg didn’t double

    Hi all! Driving myself crazy here and I know I should just let things be but it’s so hard! I had a missed miscarriage in 2020 followed by a healthy pregnancy in 2021. January 2024 I had a chemical and now I’m pregnant again. Had my first hcg at 5+0- 3,253 Repeat hcg 48 hours later at 5+2-...
  8. E

    BFP after period (x post TBAFlineporn)

    EDIT — thanks to everyone for sharing their stories and advice! I made a decision to put the phone down and walk away yesterday, once I realized I had been glued to reddit and google for over 5 hours 🥴. Limbo sucks but I am looking forward to seeing what a doctor says. ❤️❤️❤️ Hi everyone —...
  9. S

    Horrible L&D Experience

    I went into the hospital because of some spotting I was experiencing (I'm 21 weeks now, short cervix at 2.6cm and slight funneling when pressure is applied at 1.0 cm) and they sent me to L&D to get checked. The nurses there were so sweet, but the doctors.... I was seen by a Doctor and a second...
  10. L

    Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

    I see it mentioned all over the internet that doubling can slow to 72-96 hours at this point without a source in sight. Anecdotally, it looks like a lot of healthy pregnancies maintain a higher rate for a bit longer. My doubling was initially under 48hours and then tanked to 66 hours after...
  11. W

    another post about low betas

    Basically just looking for reassurance or advice. I tested positive on a FRER ~9:30pm on Tuesday night, probably 10DPO. By complete chance, I had a doctor's appointment scheduled the next morning at 8:30am and when I told my PCP the news, he kindly offered a blood draw to test my betas (and...
  12. N

    Is there any reason a stronger test very early on should be a concern?

    Here's my timeline: 4/20: MMC detected at 12w US 4/21: D&C 5/10: HCG blood test measured at 12 mIU/mL, a few days after I was testing negative on HPTs 5/23: First day of first period after D&C 6/4: Positive OPK (CD 13) 6/6: FF's guess at O day 6/14: Clear positive on FRER and easy@home...
  13. J

    Ladies... I'm f***ing stupid!

    So, I got frisky tonight and (somehow) forgot that I am 16 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I decided I would bellyflop onto the bed. So I did. And now I'm freaking out. What the fuck was I thinking?! Ugh... I'm seriously stupid sometimes.
  14. B

    I was admitted to L&D Sunday due to contractions

    I'm going to try to keep this short, but wanted to share with you ladies who have supported me so much: So as some of you know I found out early on in my pregnancy that I have 15 fibroid tumors on my uterus. The risk to the baby is preterm labor; the risk to me is pain and possibility of...
  15. J

    H. O. L. Y. C. R. A. P

    Is this real life? I know it's still really really early. Ill be going in for a lab this week. My heart is racing! Update: I'm still like not convinced so I've peed on sticks every morning this week. Here is the last 3 day progression for anyone that's interested.
  16. S

    Beta’s rising

    Link to my original post: I got my blood drawn on 12/28, and my B-hCG was at 45,959. Should I relax now seeing as it is rising? I’m having trouble relaxing because of my stats: 12/8: Cramps, NPT 12/12: PPT, LMP 11/6, Cramps 12/14: Cramps...
  17. A

    Intro and looking for advice for how to tell my husband!

    Hi CBB, I was a BB-er 2 years ago and this morning, I got my positive test for #2! My guess is about 4 weeks along. We have a 15 month old toddling tornado and bean #2 was semi-planned, so this won't be a total shock to my husband. I was thinking maybe putting D (internet pseudonym for my...
  18. U

    I think my MIL is more excited than hubby and I!

    Yesterday marks 17 weeks!! I am definitely feeling my uterus grow, it's just under my belly button and hubby seems to think he can see a bump when I can't. (That's fine lol) I am still in my pre-pregnancy jeans, but I have 2 pairs of pants that are 1 size too big so I still have room to grow and...
  19. J

    high HcG?

    Hi, all. I had my blood drawn for confirmation yesterday at 19dpo. I had an early loss a few months ago and was really hoping for a very normal number. The results came back today and the HcG level was 3700. I’m nervous as I’ve read high levels could be a sign of something wrong. Is this high...
  20. I

    Woke up to blood

    8+6 today and woke up with light pink blood. Almost exact timing as last time this happened and it was a MMC. Now to ring epu and hope they can get me in today. I was feeling so hopeful and now it’s all come crashing down again. Update: baby measured 9 weeks with heartbeat 💗 feeling so...