
  1. L

    First pregnancy ended with a loss.. Need some advice on what to expect.

    On May 1st, I got my first positive pregnancy test (ok, maybe closer to 10 because I just couldn't believe what I was seeing) My boyfriend and I were SO excited, but not even a full month later I am now trying to navigate a loss. The thing is, I am not getting ANY straight forward answers from...
  2. M

    Waiting but not hopeful

    I had an ectopic last August that was resolved by MTX in September. I’m 9 w 3 days and had an ultrasound a week ish ago at 8w 1 day and was expecting to hear a heartbeat and see the baby. Instead I saw an empty gestational sac and was told I’m measuring around 6 w 5 days and they’d refer to an...
  3. G

    How long is this going to take?

    We found out our babies heart stopped beating this Friday. The previous Friday I had an ultrasound that showed him about a week behind(about 6.5 weeks instead of almost 8), and with a slow heart rate of 96. Everyone assured me his heart had just started beating and that this was a great sign...
  4. P

    Loss of symptoms

    I had a miscarriage 2/11 of this year. My hcg for that pregnancy seemed low 300s at week 6. This pregnancy my hCG was in the 40,000s. Progesterone was 23.7. Next labs 4 days later my hCG is in the 75,000s and my progesterone was 20. I should have pushed for continued testing until my appointment...
  5. J

    HB at 10W - high?

    I had a 10W reassurance US yesterday (MMC in January that I found out about at 10W, so my OB has been great about extra check-ins this pregnancy). HB was 189, which seems high. Baby was GROOVING in there, though--the tech said it was bouncing around like crazy, and didn't seem at all concerned...
  6. N

    How did you reveal your pregnancy to your S.O.?

    Since we've been TTC since January 2016, I had a LOT of time to plot a surprise reveal for my husband... however I knew as soon as I found out that I couldn't wait to tell him, so my big plan was foiled! I planned on a "Guardians of the Galaxy" themed surprise at home... "Guardians of the...
  7. M

    Dealing with SCH thread

    Edit: I miscarried at 8w. This description below was the start of my miscarriage. Confirmed 8w2 everything passed. I’m 7w5 today. I have two SCH. This weekend my bleeding has been worse. Stopping and starting. It’s accompanied by light pulling/stretching cramps, not periods like cramps. But I...
  8. N

    Feeling a sense of doom about this pregnancy

    I’m 5w today. I’ve had normal betas and my progress lines on hpt’s look fine. Due to recurrent losses, I’m also on 200mg of progesterone daily. I am beyond nervous and anxious about this pregnancy because of my lack of symptoms, and my continuing rise of hcg. I’ve googled “blighted ovum” and...
  9. P

    Forcing myself to wait for ultrasound until 7-8 weeks, but the waiting is torture

    TW: loss My first pregnancy ended in a MMC November ‘22. It makes it very difficult to have faith in my current pregnancy because I had no symptoms of miscarriage (HCG labs doubling every 48 hrs, etc) until we went for an ultrasound and saw nothing but an empty bubble. They said there was a yolk...
  10. F

    I feel like I can't move on..

    I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow and have been facing some weird emotions this week. Maybe it's the raging hormones idk. We lost our first at 8 weeks with a missed miscarriage. I had no clue anything was wrong which I think made it really hard to accept at first. I'm at peace with the loss, as much as...
  11. S

    Food poisoning, will baby be ok?? :((

    Hello everyone! I’ve had a nasty case of food poisoning, and I was wondering if baby will be okay? I am 8w 5d, and I’ve been throwing up a bunch/feeling nauseous. I’m able to keep liquids down now, I’m not running a fever, but my main concern is if it’s possible for bacteria to be passed from me...
  12. P

    Years of infertility and trauma and now I’m 22 weeks and haven’t planned a thing

    As the title says, I struggled with infertility for 5 years, did donor egg ivf, had a miscarriage last year and now I’m 22 weeks pregnant. I had spotting and bleeding all of my first trimester and spotting again at 18 weeks. 20 week scan found a hematoma on my placenta and a cyst on the baby’s...
  13. S

    HCG levels 18dpo / 5 weeks 3 days

    Yesterday my hcg levels at 18dpo or 5 weeks 3 days was 663. I’m going to check it’s doubling tomorrow but can’t help but think this is really low. I’ve had two losses before so this pregnancy = anxiety. Has anyone else had level like this at 5 weeks ?
  14. B

    First US - Dating Question/Reassurance

    Hi everyone! Just had first US today at what I thought was 6w5d (based on LMP of 8/17). Pretty sure my O date was 9/5 based on temp/LH/first positive HCG test (vvvFL 9/14) which would put me at 6w0d. We saw gest sack, yolk sack, fetal pole, and showed “coloration” of cardiac activity but said it...
  15. S

    Continuous spotting?

    I’m currently 10+1, and have been spotting for about a week now (started 9+2). It’s been mostly brown/stringy/mucous-y, but is getting darker and I’m starting to see bits of red. I’m freaking out. My first appointment isn’t until Thursday (10+5), so I really have no idea what’s going on. I’m...
  16. G

    canada lifelab hcg numbers confused? can any one help? any experiences?

    UPDATE hcg-still low: my last period start at 3.24.. The lifelabs range always made me confused and by LMP am in wk 5 for my first pregancy. My average period days is around 32 days, day ovulated is probably in 4.9th. I just checked with the doctor this morning and she suggested me to do the US...
  17. V

    Normal fundal height for gestational age, L&D scan had weight under the 3rd percentile

    Hi all, this is the farthest I've made it in 4 pregnancies so please be patient with me. Basically last Thursday (23w6d) I went to L&D for reduced fetal movement, baby was fine thank God, 8 point score on biophysical profile so plenty of movement and good heartbeat. However at my 20 weeks scan...
  18. J

    3 weeks 1 day

    Hi everyone! I tested positive again 2 days ago on 8dpo (VVFL). Today is 10dpo and my first beta was 40.8! My doc messaged me and said it was very low but wants to see what it looks like in 2 days. From what I’ve seen on Reddit, 40 seems like a good number for 10dpo? But now I’m nervous because...
  19. 1

    Paid Academic Study Recruitment

    👣Are you a couple expecting your first baby? 🔍 We are seeking couples from Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK who are up to 22 weeks (or up to 32 weeks if either of you identify as part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community) pregnant to participate in the STORK pilot study (i.e., first...
  20. B

    Possible vanishing twin at 6+5 after IVF cycle

    The ultrasound started off as hoped for, with an embryo measuring on schedule and a heartbeat of 122. But then the ultrasound tech found a second yolk sac inside the same gestational sac! Embryo B was much harder to visualize, and no heartbeat was visible. She cautioned us that based on their...