attachment parenting

  1. E

    Why my Asian Upbringing Made me consider Attachment Parenting

    Disclaimer: This post is based purely on anecdotal evidence and I have no research links in support of why attachment parenting is "better" than any other parenting style. I am simply recounting my childhood and how I came to the realization that following in my parents' parenting footsteps was...
  2. R

    Can a baby be 'too attached'?

    As above - I'm overseas visiting family at the moment with my 11 month old (1 next week). They've never met her. They all want to hold her and see her, but baby will not leave my side. She was breast fed to 9 months (self weaned), we co sleep most nights at the moment etc etc, but she is in...
  3. M

    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    I recently had a baby. She is 5 weeks old today. She’s so amazing and I love her so much. I also have Bigs, ages 21,19, 17. Whom I diligently and successfully AP parented them to now. Yes, your babies will still want them cuddles from an attached mama as bigs. They still love getting snuggles...
  4. T

    How to prepare 8mo for sleep w/o me at childcare

    My 8 month old daughter will be starting childcare next month when she’s 9 months old. I was furloughed as soon as my maternity leave was over so she’s never been looked after by anyone but me, husband, or his parents. I’ll be starting back at work next month so she’ll start daycare full time...
  5. L

    Job Transition Advice

    Hullo all! By next month I'll be transitioning to a different shift with a new job. It's a 4 day a week, 2pm-1am shift WFH. (More money, better benefits, WFH, and it's finally a step in my preferred career path since covid thats going to provide my family a better life in the long run.) My...
  6. B

    10m acting different. Is this normal?

    Hi y’all I’m a first time parent and to be fair I’ve tried googling and searching reddit for some insight but haven’t found anything relating to what’s happening to us apart from vague articles about toddler behavior. My daughter just turned 10 months old two days ago. Shes been having a hard...
  7. L

    Holding for Naps

    Hi All! I did not know what attachment parenting was until a few months into my parenting journey when I realized the choices I was making differed from peers. When I learned the term attachment parenting I was so happy to find this sub of other people w similar parenting style/beliefs. Here for...
  8. C

    Does sleep training even work?

    It feels like everyone in my bumper group sleep trains but it also seems like they are constantly having to retrain their babies after every “regression”, illness, teething spell, etc. Parents are told “it’ll be rough for a week but you’ll never look back” and it’s often just not true. But by...
  9. K

    How Inuit Parents Teach Kids To Control Their Anger

    Fantastic read on how Inuit parents use oral story telling (vs raising their voices, getting angry, etc) to help their kids learn to regulate their big emotions. My girl is only 6mo now, but when she's a toddler, this is the parenting style I hope to be able to draw on to enhance our attachment...
  10. G

    Husband favors a tradition approach, won’t even consider AP. What do I do?

    Hi, so I’m posting from an alt account because I think my husband follows my regular one and I’d like him not to see this for obvious reasons. Some background: We’ve only been married 2 years. We have one child together who is nearly a year old, but she’s his 7th child total. I didn’t know...
  11. B

    Night weaning reassurance needed

    I need some reassurance that I'm not "hurting" my toddler and that I'm doing the "right" thing. Is letting her cry for milk okay? Should I be doing something different? This is what's going on: She's 15 months today and we started night weaning her two nights ago. This was prompted by a...
  12. T

    For the parents whose toddlers went through a car seat refusal phase, how did you support them through that?

    Currently 2yo LO is terrified of getting into the car. As soon as we mention we’re going somewhere it’s “no bye bye” panic mode, and what seems like a pretty serious fight/flight response. We can get them in the car if we absolutely have to - but it’s not pleasant for anybody and I think we...
  13. T

    Everyone thinks I’m crazy. Am I?

    I’d love some support or advice from anyone else who is/was still contact napping beyond 12 months; my baby girl is nearly 14 months old and her 2 naps are fully contact with nipple in mouth. Occasionally she unlatches; mostly not. If I unlatch or move she wakes up. I’m a SAHM so I’m lucky...
  14. T

    Choice of 3 days high stress/responsibility and pay, or 5 days of average pay with school holidays? X post r/workingmums

    Hi all from Australia, I've returned to work after a year on mat leave.... best year (after the first 3 hellish months lol). I don't like being at work, don't want to but life and money demands it. I am currently full time at my very high stress job but not coping with the 5 days of full on...
  15. T

    New to formula. 7m old MOTN wakes

    Hi everyone!! I have a wonderful 7 month old little boy that I breastfed for the first 6 months. I’m pregnant with #2 right now so naturally my supply dried up and we had to switch him to formula and he has handled it great!! I’m just curious as to how you all handle frequent middle of the night...
  16. M

    Exhausted ptsd mom, bed sharing and sleep training guilt,

    Excuse the title but I literally didn’t know what else to put. It’s currently 5 am and I’m at my wits end. This is going to be a long rant post and I just need some support, encouragement, constructive criticism, etc. this is the only subreddit where I know I can rant to compassionate and down...