attachment parenting

  1. T

    Desperate for help. Please.

    Hi all. I've been a lurker on this sub reddit for some time. I'm a FTM to a beautiful 8 month old baby boy (he will be 9 months on May 26). He was a wonderful sleeper as a newborn. I thought we had a unicorn. Then, the 4 and 6 month regression hit hard ans aligned perfectly with his...
  2. D

    Night weaning

    I am pregnant with my third baby and still nursing number two. She is 17 months old and waking more than normal at night now to nurse. I feel so exhausted with it and I think it’s time to night wean. I have read Dr. Sears “The Attachment Parenting Book” and plan to use what he says on night...
  3. S

    Opinion on Comfort Item for 5 y/o

    Ok so I need everyone’s opinion or potential studies. Long story short: my 5 y/o misses her bottle. She’s been asking for it back (at least once in a while). She’s developmentally appropriate with milestones and no issues. She knows how to drink from cups, straws, etc. She doesn’t have a stuffy...
  4. D

    Dealing with toddler tantrums (2.5 y.o.)

    I am looking for advice how to deal with my son’s tantrums and perhaps your own personal experience. I’ve read articles online but I still find it hard not to get angry whenever he gets in that mood. My son has episodes when he cries and he cannot be reasoned with and doesn’t want to be...
  5. P

    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    My baby simply won’t sleep for more then 45 minutes in her crib. I’m so tired. I’m at the point of feeling frustrated with the situation. It’s been months. I take care of baby on my own all night and all day, maybe on the weekend her dad will take her for a couple hours. I’m just so tired. I...
  6. L

    I’m wondering what will happen the day my daughter stops nursing to sleep. Can you share w me your experience?

    My daughter is 13 months old and I’ve been nursing her to sleep ever since she was born. It works for both of us. But I’m wondering when the inevitable day comes when she stops nursing to sleep. I’ll just go with the flow for now but can’t help but wonder what will happen next. Can you share w...
  7. J

    Anyone else in the roommate stage? Seeking solidarity and reassurance..

    Husband and I love each other dearly and are a great team when it comes to our 14 mo. She cosleeps and wakes up rather easily if I were to leave the bed. Husband and I have 0 help from anyone, and have yet to find a person we can trust and she will accept to hire as help, so there is absolutely...
  8. R

    How To Gently Stop Family Bed Situation

    Hi everyone! I currently have a 2.5y/o as well as a newly 1 y/o. We have been doing a family bed situation for quite some time now and I think it’s finally time to stop. Originally, we were getting more sleep by doing the family bed situation but now I feel like everyone’s sleep is taking an...
  9. D

    looking for a 2 way "baby monitor" or walkie talkie type thing since my 18mo and 4yo are getting their own room - recs?

    We're moving from our 1br apt to a 3 bedroom house, so my 4yo and 18mo girls will have their own room for the first time! It's right across the hall from ours, and I also got the 18mo a larger bed since I'll likely still spend part of the night sleeping w her, but I'm planning on spending part...
  10. A

    Floor bed question

    Ok this might be a dumb question but I am very sleep deprived. Our 9 month old has a floor bed and moved into her own room about 2 months ago. Bedtime is 7pm, we get her up at about 6:30am to go to the babysitter’s house, and she usually wakes up around midnight for a bottle. But lately she is...
  11. L

    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    My 3 year old son will hit, kick, slap, and bite if he’s upset. I’m sure it’s developmentally normal and within reason but when he bites, it sends me into a rage. Like I just want to slap him across the face and to be honest I’ve had to stop myself. His bites leave welts and bruises on me. He...
  12. G

    8.5 month old habit feeding at night?

    From 6 weeks (after getting cleared from pediatrician to stop waking for night feeds) until 4 months my baby only would wake once for a bottle around 2-4am after going to bed at 7ish. During the four month regression we where hit hard and did whatever we could to just get through and we came out...
  13. V

    How night weaning is going while bed sharing - a form of sleep training

    Just wanted to share my current situation for those who can relate or are looking for solutions. It’s been a long journey. The main problem for context: even with bed sharing I rarely get a 3 hour stretch of sleep. Going on 13 months of sleep deprivation and my mental health is tenuous. The...
  14. A

    0 to 1 child, or 1-2 children? Which was a harder transition for you?

    I keep going back and forth in my head about having a second baby. I feel like we’ve been so spoiled by our first. She’s been such an easy* baby. (Touch wood lol). When I gave birth I was so sure about being One and done 🤣 I love how much attention I can give her. It gets exhausting sometimes...
  15. O

    What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

    She used to sleep beside us in her pack n play. But now at almost 8 months she screams if I try to put her into it. I always try because I prefer she sleeps in there. But by midnight the past two weeks she’s in our bed for the night (used to be 5 am). Maybe it’s the 8 month regression, I...
  16. L

    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    Update: did my son read this post? My son went to sleep on his own during nap the day after I wrote this post. No fight at all. He laid down in his bed and cuddled his animals and fell asleep. The night at bedtime was a little bit harder but he really did well with trying to stay in is room at...
  17. D

    Our 10mo is finally sleeping longer stretches (somewhat)

    Since month 5.5 our son has been waking every 1-1.5hrs at night. We do the whole routine of bath, milk, pjs, and rock/feed in the chair with bottle to sleep and then transfer and his wake windows are perfect because his naps have significantly improved at the 6.5month mark.. But only NOW is he...
  18. A

    Transition from room-sharing to nursery at 10 months

    Hi! Thought I’d come here because all the advice I’m getting is all sleep training/CIO related and I don’t want to do that. My 10 month old sleeps with me in the guest room in a pack n play. We did this because I wasnt ready to stop room-sharing but my husband’s early morning alarm was waking...
  19. T

    9 mo who has contact napped for the last 6 months is currently alone sleeping in her crib... Why am I sad? Lol

    Don't get me wrong, I Love contact napping with my babe. Extra snuggles and I usually get a nap in while she lays on me sleeping too. But today on a whim, I thought I'd try the crib again and it worked - only 15 mins in but still. I've just been feeling like I have no alone time or time to...
  20. B

    Struggling with Toddlers Roughness

    My husband and I are really struggling with our 2.5year old daughter (B.) She is the big sister to or 5 month old daughter (J.) B is really a sweet girl. She’s so excited about everything life has to offer, but she is constantly wanting to climb me, swing on me, crawl on my back. If I am doing...