attachment parenting

  1. R

    Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

    I need some insight here, and maybe some encouragement, too. LO is 4.5 months and we've coslept most of his life. It's so easy to side nurse him, and he loves the snuggle spot under my armpit with my arm wrapped around him. However... Y'all, my body is KILLING me! My back was so messed up from...
  2. V

    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    I have a brilliant, incredibly verbal delightful occasionally spicy 2 year old. Our breastfeeding journey had a rough start (tongue tie, CMPA, overactive letdown) so I’m proud we’ve been able to do it for this long. She would nurse all day if I let her, but we’re mostly down to nursing a bit at...
  3. R

    Struggling with ST culture

    A friend told me is “really strict” with her 12wk old baby who she won’t let sleep on her at home so she leaves her on a pod on the couch. Another who said their 12wk baby will read those black & white picture books for “hours on end”. And that you “just need to be comfortable with leaving your...
  4. J

    How long would you let toddler cry at new toddler class

    My almost 2.5 year old is starting a new Montessori toddler class twice a week which is kind of a pre pre-school. She starts pre-school in August. Until now she has been at home with our nanny with me WFH and she is a total Covid baby, we didn’t go out much during Covid and we don’t have...
  5. W

    Preschool before 3 y.o

    My wife and I have read plenty of good books about attachment parenting, many of them suggesting that kids should not go to preschool before they reach the age of four so they properly attach to the parents instead of their peers. Theory from books indicates that he is not yet emotionally...
  6. G

    Need to vent

    Ok guys. So I need to vent. I've lived in my apartment for 2 years now. Became friends with my neighbors since our daughters are the same age (3). My friend spanks, I dislike it but you can't change someone's parenting style. Im from Massachusetts but am raising my babies in Tennessee (vet...
  7. C

    Increasing milk supply

    Hey y’all. I just wanted to make a quick post about my experience trying to increase my milk supply. Mostly I was struggling to pump enough for our sitter on the days I work. First i bought a couple different kinds of nursing time tea, which was a pretty easy change since I normally drink a...
  8. G

    8 month old schedule help

    Really struggling with how to get some help with my baby’s sleep that doesn’t include any level of CIO/sleep training. I feel strongly that it’s a schedule issue that I just can’t figure out and looking for advice! Some background on baby- 8 months old fomo baby, has always been a cat napper...
  9. H

    Bed sharing but I keep being told that babies sleep better in there own rooms by people who in my bumper group

    I’m desperately in need of more sleep my LO wakes up every 1-2 hours at night for the last month (she’s 4.5 months old) and I keep seeing people in my bumper group say that their babies sleep so much better in their own room. I really wanted to continue bed sharing but this is making me...
  10. B

    Toddler tantrums are ruining my life

    Edit: I just want to thank everyone for their kind, thoughtful, supportive responses. It all has helped me come back around. I'm so happy to have this safe space to have gotten this out and gotten the support I needed in a tough time. Today was a really hard day but this sub has really helped me...
  11. S

    Complicated feelings following baby #2

    My second baby is 5 days old and my first is just over 2. I know I’m in the absolute thick of postpartum hormones. But I’m struggling with the massive disruption to my relationship with my oldest. Throughout my third trimester we napped together every day and he slept with us after a stretch...
  12. Y

    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    This is also kind of an update to the previous post I made about Possums sleep program. I had to make this post because of how nervous and anxious I was about my baby’s sleep. By around 4 months, I was certain we would not be sleep training even though I thought (before he was born) that we...
  13. P

    I Feel like My Family Needs More Structure and I am Terribly Burnt-out

    I am posting this here because y'all are by far the kindest and most supportive parenting community. I am a SAHM and I think I might be in burnout but I really do not know. I feel like for the past few months I have just been coasting at home. I feel like I don't pay nearly enough attention to...
  14. Y

    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    My baby is 8 months old and maybe I was naive but I thought sleep would be better by now. I guess I’m looking for encouragement and maybe some tips from seasoned parents. I’ll try to put together my thoughts in a way that comprehensible. Relevant information: -Currently nurses to sleep (he used...
  15. S

    Nonstop Begging

    I have a son that will be turning 4 next month. When he really wants something and we say No, he will then endlessly beg for it. “Please. please, please. Please can I xxxxx? Please. Please. Pleaaaaase.” He will literally do this for many many many minutes non-stop. If we continue to say No...
  16. P

    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    Hey fellow mums and moms. A desperate rant and question about terrible toddler sleep. Thank you in advance. My incredible girl is 18 months old. She’s never been great at sleeping. I breastfed on demand at night and co slept since she was about 4 months. It was ROUGH. Eventually, around the...
  17. T

    Feeling low

    Hi to all! I have a 14 month old son. He is healthy and thriving and I feel a little petty for bringing up this issue especially in the tough times we are experiencing in the world Now (war). But I stay at home with him, do contact naps, breastfeeding on demand (and not quitting until he decides...
  18. F

    Has being an AP made you realise that your parents f’d you up? How did you come to terms with how you were parented?

    Like most parents, mine were loving, caring and did what they thought was right at the time, based on the advice they were given. I got lots of hugs and kisses, they told me they loved me often, they explained to me about being the boss of my own body etc. But of course they made mistakes too -...
  19. S

    Advice for juggling three year old and newborn

    I’ve got two questions really, and I hope this is the right place for both of them! I have a just turned 3 year old girl and a 9 day old newborn. My 3yo has adjusted well to the new addition, better than I could have hoped. It’s been easier than I thought to distract and entertain her during...
  20. P

    My 8 (f) year old is stealing

    Trigger warning SA My daughter was SA 2 years ago by a close family friend. I walked in while he was "massaging" himself over her exposed body. He was charged and we go to trial in Match ( 2 years and 3.5 months later). As a witness I am not allowed to talk to her about what happened. She...