attachment parenting

  1. S

    20-30 minute naps

    My 11 month old has been taking two 20-30 minute naps a day at daycare the past month. She used to do two hour long naps, now we can only get her to do that on the weekends if we contact nap which we don’t mind, but even then sometimes only 45 minutes and worry about her daycare days. I’m really...
  2. B

    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    Hi! How are your 6-7 month olds sleeping? This is my second baby and I forget how my first was at this age so need a gut check to not feel like we are on an island or we are doing something wrong with his sleep. My LO is 6.5 months, spends the first few hrs of the night in his bed but then...
  3. H

    we have 5 months to be toilet independent

    Hey - the title isn’t as dramatic as it seems. This year I am considering making the switch from daycare to preK-3 at a private school in town. the only requirement we do not meet is toilet independence. my bud can use the toilet when prompted, and with low pushback, most days. This includes...
  4. D

    Toddler loves pushing my newly walking baby and I feel lost

    My toddler (2.5) says he thinks it is fun to push his baby brother (11mo). Often times the baby will be walking around and toddler will run up to him and powerfully shove him to the ground where the baby will often hit his head. This will happen within a minute of me being out of direct reach of...
  5. B

    Breaking great-grandma’s heart for not letting baby CIO

    I’d like to know if I’m out of line here. My 8 month old baby is an extremely sensitive, high needs baby who hates car rides with a burning passion. If we’re in the car for more than 10 minutes she cries, screams, hyperventilates, even chokes on her spit and stops breathing. We also suspect she...
  6. P

    5 year old is having behavior problems at school

    Tldr: 5 year old has previously behaved fine at half day pre-k, but now at full day kindergarten is not listening and being defiant. Simply talking to him about the behavior and encouraging him to listen hasn't worked. Any ideas for the next step/other things to try? My 5 year old stepson...
  7. S

    How to Support a Highly Sensitive child?

    1. Allow them some "alone" time The most important thing for a parent with a very sensitive child is to understand them and accept them as they are. A HSC needs their own space and time to recharge themselves. This can be as important as breathing. 2. Show some Empathy A common question many...
  8. B

    Cosleeping 3.5 yo Attire

    We’ve been cosleeping with our daughter her whole life on and off she has phases where she wants her big girl twin bed. Now that she’s getting older there’s less space even in the new king bed for all of us. She’s usually in the middle. I wear a tee shirt and pants or shorts to bed. My husband...
  9. W

    Favorite parenting resources for boomer grandparents?

    Hi all, looking for some good material to share with some slightly old fashioned grandparents to help them understand some of the ways we do things now. In particular, not pushing kids for hugs, validating emotions, following the child’s lead, etc. Interested in books as well as podcasts or...
  10. M

    How to respond to the F bomb?

    Our lovely, hilarious 3yo has suddenly started saying “F*
  11. L

    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    Hello! I’d be interested to hear from Mums who breastfed past 6 months about what sort of frequency of night feeding you saw from your little one around 6 months onwards. Extra details on whether you’re bedsharing, room sharing or in separate rooms would also be v interesting. Also curious to...
  12. S

    How do you make it through the first year?

    I’m drowning without consistent sleep. My 9mo wakes 2 times on a rare good night and 4+ times other nights so an most night I sleep 9:30-12:30, 1-3, 3:30-5, 5:30-7. He nurses back to sleep easily most nights and we often cosleep from 5-7. I don’t want to sleep train. But I’m also not sure I...
  13. S

    Leaving baby?

    Baby boy is 4m old. His gma, my MIL, comes here to our house twice a week to watch him while I nap or do chores and his dad takes him to his g-gmas every Sunday. My MIL has offered several times for me to drop him off there for a few hours so she and g-gma can sit. I don't know if it's just me...
  14. B

    Eugh...Just Eugh

    My nearly 1 year old still wakes up a lot during the night to nurse. I don't mind, we bed share and I love that she feels safe and happy when she's by me. Most importantly, since she was premature and still teeny tiny, giving her the extra calories is really important to me. Today, after...
  15. G

    Weekend away from a breastfeeding toddler [x-posted from r/breastfeeding]

    I originally posted this in r/breastfeeding but wanted to post it here too for an AP perspective. LO hasn't been away from me longer than a day at daycare and still nurses frequently when she's with me. Staying with grandma seems like the best solution to our situation but the thought has me...
  16. E

    Nursing to Sleep Q: Are you Burping your Baby?

    FTM, baby is almost 4 months. She’s outgrowing the reflux period, so I’m able to lay her down sooner after feeds (Yayyy to sleeping more) Wondering if other breastfeeding mamas are burping their LO after sleep feeds? I can usually get away with a quick over-the-shoulder burping session, as long...
  17. D

    My Chinese grandmother threatened to hit my son.. and refuses to apologize

    Hi all! My 80-year old Chinese grandmother is visiting my family over the summer and yesterday she suddenly went from happy and playing w my 2,5 year old boy (playing cleanup of confetti) to suddenly threatening to hit him because he didn’t put the confetti in the trashcan. I immediately...
  18. V

    Floor bed vs bed sharing - safer?

    A lot of people have suggested for me to transition my 10 month old to a floor bed to get my bed back. Aside from the fact that I’d probably have to get up to nurse constantly, I’m really not understanding how it’s safer. We do the safe sleep 7 and I can feel any time my daughter moves in bed...
  19. E

    Will I be ok?

    Bub is 5.5 months and I’m averaging 6-7 hours of broken sleep usually but not always with 1 x 3-4 hour stretch, occasionally 6 hours+. I’d just love some reassurance that he will sleep better eventually and that my body and brain will recover from the lack of sleep and be ok one day. I...
  20. J

    8 month old suddenly waking 4-6x a night after months of being a “good sleeper.” What am I doing wrong?

    FTM here. My 8 month old has always been a “good sleeper.” Since he was 6 weeks old, he would sleep 7 pm - 3/4 am, nurse, then go back to sleep until 7 am. He did this naturally and this was our “normal” until 4 weeks ago. He suddenly is waking up 4-6 times a night and nursing at least 3 of...