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    Cow milk transition advice

    @jesusisyahweh The answer depends on where you live because the guidelines are specific to each country - globally (WHO's recommendations) is six months for whole animal milks, Canada 9 months, US/UK is 12 months - even with those ages, always check with your peds as too much cows milk (at any...
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    11 month old nursing

    @whitney5388 This is common - especially so when a mum is in her first trimester as the supply often drops a bit so babies nurse more to make up for it. Usually we say that for solids we want to aim for 6x a day and include drinks for them as well. Sleep is developmental - often this age...
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    Slacking on Vitamin D

    @mr_loevinger Vitamin D is fat soluble, so it doesn't get removed the same as say Vitamin C. For mums who are forgetting - we do know that mums can increase their own Vit D to get more into their baby through their breastmilk too if that is something that is more manageable? You can read...
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    Low supply

    @ephesians321 Sometimes we do SNS right away, get baby calm with a few mouthfuls, and remove it after a minute or two to help by rewarding the latching part with instant milk and that gives the breast a chance to letdown as well and then work on pushing it back to breast two, then breast three...
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    Low supply

    @ephesians321 Hugs, SNS is a great choice as baby is much more efficient vs a pump for supply. You have weeks to go before you regulate (your supply is still increasing at this stage). In our group we do SNS in a specific way that is no pumping during these weeks. Breast one with compressions...
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    2 m/o won’t latch and no supply

    @sala19 If you don't have insurance/access to an IBCLC, the next best thing is a trained peer support leader to help you with some personal advice (no cost) like a La Leche League leader. La Leche League country list There are so many factors around latching and supply that really getting...
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    O o <— boobs look like this at 7 weeks ebf. Is it too late?

    @lawranick Normal, nothing you did. The only tips I would say here is the opposite of what a lot of people do or are told to do so would be considered a bit out of the box in some circles. Always start on the breast the flows the best In the beginning weeks we don't know which one that is so...
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    Feeling uncertain and overwhelmed

    @sandhillsanglican I too struggle with asking for help - I think a lot of us do and that's why forums like this are so great to be able to share info and tips - glad that the concorde hold helped for a bit - we pull that out when we see babies having issues with sustaining latches/small...
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    Getting from combo feeding to EBF - which of the following options should I try?

    @wonderingstranger Normally with pumping it is within 30 minutes of nursing, so that when baby comes again there is faster letdowns/plus any milk being stored so a bit surprised to see wait 1.5 hours as the recommendation - babies will often nurse every 1.5-2 hours so that is why we try and do...
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    Feeling uncertain and overwhelmed

    @sandhillsanglican Thanks for this post, you have been through so much and no wonder you are feeling overwhelmed. I agree with everyone who said an IBCLC can help - if you can't get to one, the next best option is peer support like La Leche League La Leche League country links It is...
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    Only breastfeeding when sleeping

    @paulx2016 It is a phase, frustrating but strikes can last a few weeks. But, that doesn't mean that it can't be managed a bit better for you. Do you have an IBCLC? If not, I would say reach out to La Leache League in your area. La Leche League country links Often babies who are feeding well...
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    Getting from combo feeding to EBF - which of the following options should I try?

    @wonderingstranger When we have a baby who is combo fed, as much as you noted, we don't just cut that out because it is unlikely your body would be just able to switch up the production on the spot. Are you working with an IBCLC? This is still in the breastmilk supply building window that...
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    Cracked and bleeding

    @jd1998 Some great comments already. In addition to those, I would say be sure to reach out to an IBCLC and see what is happening with the latch as your nipples being cracked and bleeding indicate that it is shallow. This actually can be a result of the birth process and extra edema in your...
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    Trying to get 4.5 month old to the breast after exclusively pumping…

    @jellybean945 Oh that's great! It is usually a bit outside of standard latching recommendations as we are having mums both (A) move the breast (instead of moving baby) and (B) hold the the whole time to keep in baby's mouth (vs letting go to be able to have hands free and comperess) so most of...
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    Trying to get 4.5 month old to the breast after exclusively pumping…

    @jellybean945 Fantastic suggestions already - lots and lots of happy naked breast opportunities are key to getting baby to latch (not aiming for any on the breast drinking to start, just the happy latches) - we usually recommend the bottle to cup to breast method. At this age we don't use the...