Only breastfeeding when sleeping


New member

So I created another post a week or so ago about my baby going through what appears to be the 3 month feeding crisis?!. This still appears to be happening, he literally will not feed unless he's asleep.
Looking through my tracking app he hasn't fed properly when awake since he was 11 weeks now 15 weeks nearly 16.
Every single awake feed is like 1-5 minute struggle. He'll literally only feed when drowsy or asleep. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm getting a bit p*ssed off because it means I can't do anything or go anywhere because I have to make sure he's getting enough sleep but will also feed during these times.

Literally from when he wakes up properly from the night I know he's awake because he refuses the boob. For example today he's not fed for 6 hours. Struggled to feed him for 5 mins and still refusing.

Nappies are fine, poo is hit and miss. Poos every 2-5 days (this has changed since feeding changes to darker yellow ans no longer has the fatty bits in) weight so far appears to be ok too.
Health Visitor and GP aren't worried. Feel like I'm just going round in circles.

Anyone else experienced this? Is this just forever now or is it just a phase?
I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking I might just exclusively pump or formula feed because its getting so stressful.

@timh42 I'm sorry to hear you're struggling too! Having a baby is so stressful. I never anticipated how difficult breastfeeding could/would be!

I hope your appointment with the LA Lactation goes well and they're able to give you some good support.

I hope things start to improve for you and baby starts to gain some weight!

Good luck! X
@paulx2016 It is a phase, frustrating but strikes can last a few weeks. But, that doesn't mean that it can't be managed a bit better for you. Do you have an IBCLC? If not, I would say reach out to La Leache League in your area.

La Leche League country links

Often babies who are feeding well enough during strikes don't want to latch when the flow is slower (they don't care as much when they are sleeping) or they are actually struggling to maintain the latch - which can suddenly appear as the supply regulates around 3 months.

Nursing strike general tips

Different positions can help, like straddle holds or concorde holds. Purposeful distraction can help, so music with heavy bass, fans blowing, nursing in the bath, nursing outside, rocking, bouncing when the flow is slower.

Breast compressions can help with speeding up the flow as well. Sometimes adding in lactogenic herbs/foods can help boost the flow as well - they are used based on a medical history of the mum to find the best ones.

Breast compressions information and video


It is important that part of this process is also focused on you and your mental health. I would book an appt with your PCP to talk about how you are feeling too, we don't want anything to be missed.


Sometimes mums need a break from this pattern but want to give breastmilk - often they will pump and give bottles every other time or every time baby is hungry - or in a perfect world open cups so that the supply is maintained, you can see they are eating well and it is a reset for the two of you.


Hope it turns around quickly for you and you can get back to enjoying being a mum.


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