Low supply


New member
My LO is 3 weeks and I’m dealing with a low supply. I ended up with an unplanned c-section after not going into labour after my water broke. My milk didn’t start coming in till after 5 days PP. I’ve been supplementing using a SNS. I feed every two to three hours with the SNS and latch the baby to breast in between when she’s fussing which is honestly anytime she’s awake. Which makes it very difficult to have any time for pumping sessions. I take Domperidone and herbs (fenugreek, blessed thistle and moringa.) I also have PCOS so not sure if that could be contributing to the low supply as well. I’m at a loss on what more I can do. I feel like nothing is working to up my supply and I’ve had to up the amount of supplement the past week from 40mL to 50 sometimes 60mL. I had the same issues with my first and was hopeful I can get it right this time around. I’ve been making sure to eat more and drink a lot of water, the baby is constantly latched, we even got a lip and tongue tie released to make sure she’s got the best latch, I do breast compressions during nursing. I can’t pump barely more than 5 mL and have to supplement with formula. I feel like a failure and it makes me hate breastfeeding when it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. I do have a midwife that helps me out with breastfeeding but I don’t know If anyone has any other ideas on what I can do. I feel like I’ve exhausted everything but I’m open to suggestions.
@ephesians321 Coconut water has helped my supply. But I will be honest, I didn’t breastfeed my older two for more than 6 weeks due to low supply. This current baby I’ve had a higher supply with some low days. Overall, I’ve made the protein balls at home and have been drinking coconut water.

I’ve tried the supplements with fenugreek and blessed thistle but it made my baby fussy. If it doesn’t make your baby fussy: try Milkflow. I noticed a huge increase in supply but it hurt my babies stomach due to items mentioned above.

Overall, if breastfeeding doesn’t work out. Please know there isn’t anything wrong with you. Sometimes we just have to opt for formula like I did with my first two.
@ephesians321 Just here to say I see you. The pain and grief is real. In my experience, which is very similar to yours, the best thing I did was focus on baby learning to latch well. I never produced enough to exclusively breastfeed but I did nurse her first until empty then bottle feed then latch again and she would comfort nurse to fall asleep. That combo worked for us because I got the closeness I wanted through nursing. With my second (who was very premature) we still haven’t gotten his latch down very well unless we nurse laying down, he is 16 weeks this Friday. What you’re doing by working on the latch is amazing! You’re working extremely hard and I’m here to say good job!
@katew Thank you I appreciate the kind words. They were much needed today! I had a visit with my midwife and she was saying I more than likely don’t have enough mammory tissue to produce enough to exclusively breast feed. I went through this with my first and am feeling very defeated this time around. This can be very isolating so thank you! I hope you are doing well as well!
@ephesians321 Hugs,

SNS is a great choice as baby is much more efficient vs a pump for supply. You have weeks to go before you regulate (your supply is still increasing at this stage). In our group we do SNS in a specific way that is no pumping during these weeks.

Breast one with compressions, breast two with compressions, breast three SNS (with formula/breastmilk) when a mum is already using it and then we push that back to breast 4 SNS after a week of adding it it on breast three; and then we would start to track amounts of supplement needed after 5 more days and make a new plan from there based on that.

Domperidone takes a couple of weeks to kick in and depending on where you are in the world you might be recommended to increase that as well along this journey.

Domperidone info and standard amounts article

I would only comment on the herbs - fenugreek is not usually recommended for PCOS due to possible sugar issues. In some women we know it can reduce supply. For PCOS the standard starting herb is goat's rue and it works slowly as it is focused on mammary tissue growth. Next would be moringa which you are already doing :)

Goat's rue info

Fenugreek info

We do know that mums who are taking fenugreek have more milk when taken with honey as well - so that is something to consider if you feel it is helping you to give a bit more of a boost per the studies.

Hope that helps! Cheers!
@skelendke Thank you! I’ve been putting the SNS almost right away, I’m going to try doing it the way you mentioned to see if it makes a difference. Sometimes my baby doesn’t latch or stay latch very well without the SNS because she doesn’t get milk fast enough, but I’m gonna try it out to see if I can break her of that.
@ephesians321 Sometimes we do SNS right away, get baby calm with a few mouthfuls, and remove it after a minute or two to help by rewarding the latching part with instant milk and that gives the breast a chance to letdown as well and then work on pushing it back to breast two, then breast three, etc. to start. Cheers!
@ephesians321 I had a similar situation

Pumping regularly with a GOOD pump that fits helped me increased my supply. I still have to supplement now at 3 months old but not as much as in the first weeks ! Before I invested in a good pump I could barely pump 1 ounce. Now I'm almost filling bottles. Pump first thing in the morning, try to wake up before she does. And it's hard but making time to pump every 3-4hours will really help!

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