O o <— boobs look like this at 7 weeks ebf. Is it too late?


New member
Like the title says, my boobs are lopsided due to me incorrectly using my hakka (I think). Is it too late to try to rectify?

For the most part, my supply has regulated. I no longer get overly engorged unless I go crazy long without nursing. I stopped pumping about 3 weeks ago. I have been starting each feed with the smaller side but baby sometimes fall asleep after one side so I can’t do that all the time.

What can I do to to even out the milk bags?
@lawranick Hi! Im also 7 weeks pp, and it's the exact same for me. Seems to just be normal. The smaller boob is the boob that didn't study for the test imo, but as far as i know, everything is just fine as long as the baby is getting full
@lawranick Normal, nothing you did.

The only tips I would say here is the opposite of what a lot of people do or are told to do so would be considered a bit out of the box in some circles.

Always start on the breast the flows the best

In the beginning weeks we don't know which one that is so people often switch sides back and forth to try and "balance themselves" or because their breastfeeding app says to, but there will always be one side that is easier/better to latch on for both of you and most of the time both breasts will be used in a nursing session (often two or three times if we switch on slower flow vs a clock).

Using this method, the "instant" hunger cues are met and then we can add in breast compressions for when the drinking slows down/flow slows down.

Switch sides to the breast that flows a bit slower and use compressions when it slows down and switch again if the baby still has hunger cues.

We say this because babies will often stay on a slower flowing breast longer once they have had that initial bit of hunger satisfied with the faster flowing side AND mums seem to letdown easier when they know their baby has had lots to drink already, which actually helps build up the supply on that breast a bit.

Switching sides until the baby is fully satiated (this will be different depending on the time of day how many times you do this).

Breast compressions info and videos.

Hope that helps! Cheers!