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    3u4: must haves & minivans??

    @fossu Well that makes me feel better that it’s just me!
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    3u4: must haves & minivans??

    @fossu Does yours ride rough? Ours is ROUGH. I wish we had gotten the sienna.
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    3u4: must haves & minivans??

    @canobiecrazy I live in a rural not rural area 😂😂😂. Our loca parking lots are fine but going to a bigger city would scare me.
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    3u4: must haves & minivans??

    @canobiecrazy That’s my big hang up. I’m spoiled in my van. I love the bells even though I have a mid grade van it’s got some nice extras. Edit: Do you have a hard time parking it in smaller spaces? Any disadvantages to driving it
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    3u4: must haves & minivans??

    @canobiecrazy I’m leaning that way! We always have an extra kid with us and it would be so much more convenient
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    3u4: must haves & minivans??

    @hanspeter I HATE my odyssey. It rides rough, it’s made cheaply and generally not useful. I have three in car seats. Since my kids are 7, 4, 3 and 3 (not twins) I have big kids in the back seat I open the trunk hatch to lord them and I have them climb over the seat. Babies in the middle...
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    I’m out of ideas

    @katrina2017 I love alllll of this!! Yes. I just want to get out.
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    I’m out of ideas

    @katrina2017 This is a good idea. I just get Tired of this house!!
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    I’m out of ideas

    @katrina2017 We adopted the oldest three. My son who passed and 1 year old are the only ones I share genetic material with. The 2 & 1.5 year old are biological brothers.
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    I’m out of ideas

    @mahhko I think my six year old would love all of those!! I will definitely do them with her but my littles would be a disaster. You sound like an amazing nanny!
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    I’m out of ideas

    @charity1 That’s so sweet! I can’t wait until mine are big enough for that!
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    I’m out of ideas

    @charity1 We love walking trails. It’s not something I can do alone but when my husband is available it’s so fun. We are blessed to live in an area with tons of them. Sometimes we just hike our yard. Don’t judge me.
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    I’m out of ideas

    @wings9191 I guess I’m more desperate to get out of this house!!
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    I’m out of ideas

    @aryehyehudah Never thought about the buddies drawing. We will be pulling that out during cooking time! What a fun list I will try all of this!
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    I’m out of ideas

    @clavdivs My husband has to schedule us in but that’s okay because he sticks to time with us each day. It’s not forever it’s just for now. Urban hike I love that! We live in country so touring a city would be fun!!
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    Try for baby #4 or be done?

    @daniel1986 Private adoption is expensive and hard and that happens A LOT. I adopted 3 kids from foster care. It cost me $200/kid for court fees. The state paid all other legal fees and attorney fees. Also my kids have state health insurance until adulthood/a continued subsidy each month until...
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    I’m out of ideas

    @matheww1 I just recently discovered this! There are a ton by my house so we will definitely be doing this!!!
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    I’m out of ideas

    UPDATE: I can’t thank everyone enough for the suggestions and support. We took many of them. One that has worked very well was a toy rotation system. I also have been giving the kids daily jobs which they love doing and take pride in! Our daughter was officially diagnosed as ADHD and were doing...