I’m out of ideas


New member
I can’t thank everyone enough for the suggestions and support. We took many of them. One that has worked very well was a toy rotation system. I also have been giving the kids daily jobs which they love doing and take pride in! Our daughter was officially diagnosed as ADHD and were doing some testing to find out if maybe bio parents used drug during pregnancy. Our 1.5 year old has a sensory processing disorder. So we’ve put all the kids on a sensory diet. We have been incorporating sensory specific activities during the day. We are putting them in the same rotation as the toys. I’m also making time for myself.
Thank y’all so much! I have been trying many of the ideas and suggestions and will update when I find other things that work!

I have five kids. Ages 6, 2, 1.5, 1 and one is deceased. My husband works full time and goes to school full time.

We have a huge playroom.
Indoor swing. (Highly recommend)
Slip n slide.
A creek.
2.5 acres
Two trampolines.
And a junk ton of riding toys.

I find myself looking for ideas. And wanting to go out in public.
I avoid doing that because they either whine or escape. Or I’m so busy making sure they aren’t doing either I don’t enjoy anything we’re doing.

Anyone have ideas of cheap/free activities I can do alone with these small kids?

For reference our daily routine is:
6:30 wake up/breakfast/get dressed
7:30 watch tv so mommy can have coffee
8:00 go outside
10:00 snack outside
11:00 come in and get ready for lunch
11:30 lunch
12:00 Free play/tv/bath
12:30 rest time for littles/ big independent play
1:30 big sis does some school work (school is out so it’s just to keep up skills)
2:30 everyone up and snack
3:00 free play
4:00 outside again
5:00 fix supper
6:00 eat/hang out with family
7:00 pajama
7:20 story time
7:50 bed

Edit for clarification: my youngest children were twins and one of them was stillborn. The three older ones were adopted.
@blazewater You could try Geocaching. You download the app and it shows places where a hidden “treasure” is. You use the app to guide you to it and once you find the box you can open it, leave little toys, sign the notebook etc and put it back. There are lots hidden in parks and fields - I love using it when I’m walking the dog as a extra activity!
@blazewater If you’re on Instagram, check out @busytoddler. Activities that are simple to put together with items you probably already have, creative, and usually a huge hit.
@blazewater If your oldest can ride a bike, then perhaps setting up a baby bike seat + chariot could get everyone out of the house? Of course this would be no small physical activity for yourself, not only biking itself but get everyone organized and strapped in! We use bike rides as a good “forced relaxation” method (similar to the car ride idea)- it keeps our 18month old interested yet contained so we can have a bit of a break.
@blazewater Hey, I don't have anything to add to these excellent ideas already brought forward.
But I just wanted to say that it sounds like you're doing a really really good job as a mom! Yourxplace sounds like Kids paradise and you've got a good daily schedule going on. And you seem to care about their different needs. Your kids are all very lucky to have you as their mom!
@blazewater Any farms, berry patches, or open fields/hills nearby? Before you know it, you can kill 2-3+ hours at these places. It’s also easy to keep an eye on multiple LOs because it’s a big open area.

Picnics are also a good time killer
@blazewater 17,17,16,13,11,10, and 6 is the youngest for us, it's always harder having multiple younger children like you do, especially if your husband is working and doing school full time you've got no support. I like that you have your day well scheduled that definitely helps keep the kids under control. I know your husband probably works hard but remember to schedule time for the two of you, if your relationship falls apart the rest isn't going to fare well. And he needs to send time with the kids too.

We've been doing 'urban hikes', usually either to the park or for a special treat we'll go to 7-11 and get a slurpee. I like the McDonald's idea, we may try that this week. Good luck!
@clavdivs My husband has to schedule us in but that’s okay because he sticks to time with us each day. It’s not forever it’s just for now.

Urban hike I love that! We live in country so touring a city would be fun!!
@blazewater I have five too: they are 7, 6, 4, 2.5 and 11 months.

On good weather days we always take a long walk. I have a double stroller for the youngest two. I have even had the oldest push the smallest in a single stroller so that I could put two others in the double. We change up our path everyday. We will go guided drawing. Water guns, water balloons, bubbles, etc. I had my 4 year old picking weeds when she got bored with the other activities :)

On poor weather days, we do Go Noodle, Cosmic Kids yoga and Just Dance videos on YouTube played via the TV. We love music here and will have a time dedicated to the kids favorite music videos too. Story time is a great way to involve the older ones and get them reading to the littles. Guided drawings: give them an object you want then to draw. Even when they are really little it can be fun. Salt dough is fun and you can paint it with water colors after baking it.
@blazewater My gentle suggestion is perhaps you don't need to worry about coming up with activities for them. Kids have great imaginations. You have what sounds like a child paradise at your house. So much space!

If you are determined to take them in public you could choose somewhere where you don't have to worry about them getting lost or running onto a road. Big parks with wide open spaces perhaps.
@blazewater What about some easy (wide + not steep) hiking trails? I know it'll be really tough with so many littles, but maybe you can babywear the smallest, and have the others hold hands or hold onto a rope to keep everyone together. Even for a short 30 min walk! You can pack a picnic lunch and sit on a blanket in a park or by a lake/river/beach.

I used to help run a pre-k day camp and I understand what you mean... even with a whole building and playground full of fun stuff, it felt good to just take the kids on a walk around the block once in a while.
@charity1 We love walking trails. It’s not something I can do alone but when my husband is available it’s so fun. We are blessed to live in an area with tons of them. Sometimes we just hike our yard. Don’t judge me.
@blazewater Hahaha no judgment here!

My siblings and I loved "camping" in our "yard" growing up. I put yard in quotes because our house was on such a small suburban lot that we could just baaarely squeeze our tent on a grassy patch between our driveway and front door. We packed sandwiches, and used flashlights at night lol.
@blazewater If you have a small pond or a river nearby, just a couple small fishing poles and some bread should be good! I took the girls that I nanny fishing with my brother! If they can’t fish then just feeding the fish bread can be very entertaining!

The other comment said driving around. It would be good to have them play I spy as well!

And it’s ok to have a lazy day! Some of the best days for kids is when they get to play their favorite game or watch their favorite YouTuber or tv show all day!

Try letting them make slime. It’s distracts them for long time!

Oobleck is good! Take a lot of water and cornstarch then mix it together and tell them to punch it! Kids love it!

Cloud foam: corn starch and cheap hair conditioner. Kids love playing with that stuff!
@mahhko I think my six year old would love all of those!! I will definitely do them with her but my littles would be a disaster.

You sound like an amazing nanny!
@blazewater Thank you! The girls loved it! I took pictures every time they got fish! The older one even caught a bigger fish than me and my brother! The trick is to ball up the bread tight on the hook. And the older girl and my brother even had a little plan! She would toss some bread in the water as my brother lowered the hook down. And it helped them catch more fish!! Kids do love feeding animals though! You could also get some bird seed and take them to the park!