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  1. B

    Help me please, before I lose my ever loving mind. Read full post!

    @amayasasaki Ignore the demands
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    At what age did you allow others to kiss your baby?

    @viri If you aren’t myself (mom) her dad or gramma. No one ever.
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    He left us

    @jnb2 I know it hurts right now, but imagine if you stayed? The abuse would continue. I’m so sorry love, he sounds like a coward manipulator. These men love to tell the story to their own tune; aka what makes them look less like a POS. Are you guys married? As a single mom, I’m telling you...
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    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @msavage I get cold sores, so does my mom. My mom and I are both so careful, we NEVER kiss my toddler if we have one and I’ve implemented a strict no kissing rule for everyone that isn’t dad or I. I also take the medication a few times a month just to try NOT to ever transmit it. I don’t share...
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    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @msavage You need to ask her to flat out leave. That’s disgusting and she’s putting your child at a major risk.
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    He left us

    @roadzombie 💯
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    At what age did you allow others to kiss your baby?

    @angelk It’s the worst :( I haven’t had one yet knock on wood (she’s 19 months) I did have one pregnant and one scare. I don’t share utensils. I’m so paranoid
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    Tips on having the “separation” talk with kids

    @katrina2017 They are too old for that sort of thing in my opinion