At what age did you allow others to kiss your baby?

@viri It’s going to be never for me. Only mom and dad can kiss baby. Maybe they can kiss her on the top of her head or feet but no where on her face/hands/etc.
@viri Just depends. I'm a single mom and live with my parents. So after about 2 months I didn't mind them kissing her. They didn't kiss her on the lips until recently but its because my daughter (10m) has learned to kiss so when they're holding her she leans in and kisses them on the lips lol. But it totally depends I think around 4m or 5 it's ok if she gets little kisses on the cheek or neck. But there really is no reason for anyone but you and her husband to kiss her on the lips until she's a toddler and wants to kiss her grandma on the lips etc
@viri Top of the head smooches from my mom, after she got flu and covid vaccines and takes a Covid test before coming over.
@viri My son is also 3 months and I have a no kissing rule. You need to do whatever makes you feel comfortable & if they don’t like it that sucks. Don’t let them invalidate you like our in laws do because they are allowed to kiss all the other babies.
@viri We taught consent from the get-go, and she caught on around 5 months. If she doesn't want affection, she will push you away, and we enforce it with others if they don't respect her. Before she understood, we never allowed it. Now that she understands, her grandparents are the only ones to try, but she pushed them away. (She's 17 months now)

Sadly enough, the concept of respecting an infants right to consent was so far-fetched for my mother that she has not been in our lives since our LO was 4 months old. This is a hill we will die on.
@viri My baby is 4 weeks old. Today we went to my mom’s house and she was about to kiss the baby but I stopped her because she was wearing bright red lipstick. I told her next time to not wear lipstick and she can kiss the baby.

My mom is immunocompromised and is adamant about wearing her N95 mask when she leaves the house. She is the most careful and hygienic person I know therefore she is the ONLY person I’m comfortable with kissing the baby.

I know my MIL is chomping at the bit to kiss the baby but she’s the opposite of my mom, I haven’t even let her hold him yet lol.

We make everyone wear a mask around the baby which helps to not have anyone try to kiss him
@viri no one touches my baby besides grandparents and the kids .. close family . no one needs to be kissing my baby.

the grandparents only kiss him on the head
@viri After his first round of shots. Only on the cheek, only with the people I let hold him, which is a total of 4 people (my husband included). Everyone else can wait until he's old enough to be asked/fully vaccinated.
@viri Literally don’t understand the obsession with kissing babies. It’s so annoying having to keep reminding everyone not to kiss my baby either.
@viri My baby is 7 months and I still don’t allow it. When my baby was 3 weeks she caught rsv and almost died. She had to be intubated , so I don’t think I’ll ever feel comfortable with it

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