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  1. H

    Anyone interested in a “cooking for multiples” sub?

    @mendicant Yes. Meals even for the whole family that are easy and painless.
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    Vaginal v CSection Birth

    @ntlfr8 Advocate for yourself. If Twin A is head down and there is not a large size discordance between the twins your risks go down. If this is a new OB I’d see if there are any more experienced OBs in the practice that have done a vaginal twin birth.
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    How do I set my wife up in a realistic way for our twins arrival in Jan…

    @cinder7 This sounds a lot like some form of anxiety for her that’s manifesting this way. Did she have any kind of birth trauma with her singletons? All that to say, I think others suggestion to just have everything packed and ready to go is the best way to go. My guess is that she will get to...
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    Pregnant with twins and devastated

    @coolguy123 Take a breath. You aren’t alone. My twin pregnancy was an oops. And then to find out it was twins. We were in a bad place marriage wise and financially. I had a lot of thoughts just like you. It’s okay. It’s not everyone’s response but it’s normal. Give yourself some grace. My...
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    Final week of pregnancy: 5k trail run and rock climbing

    @katrina2017 Same here. I can still lift the same. But cardio... ugh. I get winded way too easily.
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    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    @sophiahrz This is a very personal decision so only you can decide when to stop. I’m going to give you my anecdotes and reasons. I’ve exclusively pumped now twice (still am). I do have a low supply due to IGT. With my first I never intended to but he had hypotonia of his jaw and cheek...
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    My 3 yr son's teacher sent home this note, and it's crazy

    @dylanrowe1 The letter is bad I agree. It’s written as though a non-native speaker or someone who had minimal schooling wrote it. That doesn’t mean she is uncaring though but from an educational standpoint it’s a bit concerning. At 3 I would expect play based learning and not worksheets...
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    Final week of pregnancy: 5k trail run and rock climbing

    @joanieb88 Yep... also how come her belly is the size of my 21 week belly.