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  1. M

    When do babies get easier?

    @nitto_k He goes through phases. At 7 months he could entertain himself for 30 min and I was so happy. Now, he’s in a fussy phase, literally won’t last 30 seconds and will cry unless I’m holding him 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s so hard 😢
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    When do babies get easier?

    @nitto_k Bad news he’s now 8 months and still fussy 😭 7 months everything got wayyyy easier and suddenly right now he’s as fussy as ever 😢
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    When do babies get easier?

    @kenjisan70 So it only gets harder? 😭
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    When do babies get easier?

    @thomasgreentiller Was your baby fussy at 4 months?
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    When do babies get easier?

    @leah59 It’s so hard 😂 but also amazing
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    When do babies get easier?

    @eighty Thanks that gives me hope!!
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    When do babies get easier?

    @jamessecondson Thank you!!! ❤️❤️ how is it going for you?
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    When do babies get easier?

    @jamessecondson Haha now he’s 10 months. It’s been a rollercoaster of ups and downs and he’s just much more fussy than other babies. That said, it’s still sooooo much easier now. He has a personality, is super social, sleeps better, can entertain himself for chunks of time and loves to...
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    When do babies get easier?

    @damon50 That gives me hope!!! :)
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    When do babies get easier?

    @reeses I always get alerts on my Apple Watch that it’s dangerously loud 😂 the screaming kills me
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    When do babies get easier?

    @reeses Same situation with me. At 4 months the reflux went away so he’s a happy spit upper but I need to hold him for 30 min after each feeding (and he still spits up what feels like the majority of what he eats)
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    When do babies get easier?

    @flora01 If it makes you feel any better, mine turned four months on October 14. It was REALLY bad two weeks ago and that lasted like 4 days. It’s slowly gotten better but still very fussy. Hearing five months is easier and hoping that’s the case!
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    When do babies get easier?

    @shaughnessyym Yes he fights all naps (takes like 45 min of rocking and he wakes up every time I put him in crib). He especially fights the 4pm nap after 3pm feeding. Issue is if I skip that nap he’s a mess and super fussy 😩. He refuses to nap in the stroller. Naps so well in car but I live in a...
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    When do babies get easier?

    @jun_za Totally! He also rolled for first time yesterday so was definitely going through a developmental change! It’s crazy how quickly things change
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    When do babies get easier?

    @jun_za Shocked to say yes! He randomly woke up two days ago smiling and happy. Hope it lasts but he’s barely cried the last two days.
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    When do babies get easier?

    @jun_za This is super helpful! I think I’m doing the exact same and lowering the wake window thinking he’s overtired! He then sleeps for 30 min and is fussy! I may test this out :)
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    When do babies get easier?

    @jun_za I’m not sure how to drop a nap while adhering to 90-120 min wake windows! Any advice? He eats at 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and basically naps after each feeding (with an activity before the nap)
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    When do babies get easier?

    @britdanielle92 So helpful! How long did teething last and how bad was it?
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    When do babies get easier?

    @joyfulboy Similar experience for me! He could always put himself to sleep but would wake up every hour until recently. I let him cry it out for three nights (which resulted in a couple 30 min cries throughout the night and eventually he figured out how to self soothe) and then by night 4 he was...
  20. M

    When do babies get easier?

    I have a 4 month old and we are obsessed with him but it’s been such a rollercoaster. He was very fussy 6-8 weeks and things definitely got way easier at 3 months. Now at 4 months, he’s kind of constantly fussy again. I feel lucky he’s sleeping through the night but he fights naps and l have...