Your experiences formula feeding in public

@eilightened No one cares and if they do they don’t say anything. I’m in San Diego. I’ve actually had BFing moms tell me they are proud of me for choosing formula for my mental health. They know how hard it is
@eilightened Literally no one has commented. And if they did I would probably say “did you mean to say that out loud?” Or lie and say I had a mastectomy or something to make them feel/look like an asshole for being so presumptive.
Adding not that I think it’s anyone’s business, just that’s the first thing that came to mind that would thoroughly shame such a busybody. I had a fine supply, my kid had cmpi and I didn’t want to deal with the diet so we switched. With my first I just hated pumping so when I went back to work I stopped. No shame for either reason. Because you chose to is perfect
@eilightened No one has said anything yet, but I definitely feel that fear! I sometimes will make up bottles and put them in the bag with an icepack instead of making formula bottles in public, just so people will assume it's breastmilk. I'm ashamed to admit that.

I also feel bad if anyone tries to shame me, because my breastmilk almost killed my daughter (she had an unexpected and rare reaction to a medication that I was on) and pity anyone who tries to cross me on that.
@eilightened A couple people told me they breast fed their babies and honestly, good for them. No one will say boo about how you feed your kid and unless they see you mixing it, it could ne formula, breast milk, cow's milk or pig's milk. How would they know? And if they do say something, you're allowed to tell them to mind their business.

A guy talked to me about it recently and he said his tits were as useful as tits on a hawk and I just said same with mine, thank goodness for formula!
@eilightened For context, I live on the east coast of the US. Nobody ever cared or said anything. They don’t know what’s in the bottle anyways. I do remember feeling a fear of being judged the few times I mixed the water and powder in public. But again, I never received any comments!
@eilightened I was self conscious about preparing the bottle in public, so I made formula bottles at home and either fed within 2 hours or took an ice pack to keep it cold. Then no one would know what was in the bottle and I didn’t care what they thought it was 🤷
@eilightened I live in Los Angeles too, and started feeding formula exclusively at 2mo due to baby reflux, severe baby weight gain issues, latch issues, and baby’s addiction to the nipple shield, which caused even more problems and stress. I would never, ever even think to look twice at another mom giving a bottle! And, as somebody else said, you wouldn’t even know if it was formula or pumped breastmilk… but either way, if somebody is judging, that is seriously their problem. I’d never want to be friends with somebody so close-minded anyway! There are so many reasons as to why a mom may need to formula feed.

Sure, we can tell ourselves fed is best, while deep-down knowing that ultimately, breastmilk is the ideal. But if it’s not working, then it’s not working! I struggled with this a lot too, but you really do have to do what’s best for you and the baby. 💙

I, personally, wouldn’t worry at all. :)
@eilightened I’ve formula fed both of my children in public (like clearly mixed formula powder and water and fed it to them in a bottle), and never received any comments. But I have had several instances where I’ve casually mentioned buying formula and gotten push back from randos. So in real life, no one has tried me about it, but they are opinionated when I don’t have the formula can out lol.
@eilightened Anyone who comments on how you’re feeding your kid deserves all the wrath/snark you can muster. And I guarantee it’s the same people who would comment whether you’re BFing or formula feeding. It’s utterly none of their business and as much as it sucks that they exist, changing feeding methods won’t affect their behavior. Parents will always be judged for literally everything we do so I’ve found it’s best to keep my head down, do what feels right for me and my family, and defend/protect my kids whenever necessary.
@eilightened I never noticed anyone judging but maybe I just wasn’t paying attention. I would pre-make formula and bring a little cooler/insulated bag so I could just grab one as needed (baby didn’t mind cold milk). Therefore I was never making a bottle in public so how would they know if it was formula or pumped milk? Anyway, bottles are very common and so many people combo feed so try not to let it get to you!