
@godisimaginary325 "What's wrong with him".

Well I mean how would they feel if their bones grew and then their muscles were super tight and they were in pain everywhere? Then they had wait for the muscles to stretch and catch up to the bones to feel better?
@keefer7 I learned this info from my sons physiotherapist about 2 months ago. We had a traumatic birth and he required physio for some muscle injuries. I noticed his pain was extremely bad during growth spurts and he was inconsolable. She then explained that this is why!
@godisimaginary325 Rude! Reminds me of when my daughter was cluster feeding in the early days and my MIL kept saying it must be that my milk supply is bad and she’s not eating enough. I kept saying this is just her being a breastfed baby and she wouldn’t believe me. Literally we were changing diapers all damn day. You don’t create that much poop if you’re not eating enough!
@historyismypassion I’ve come to realize people will judge you no matter what. My MIL hates that we give her a nap schedule when she watches our LO so she just refuses to listen because she thinks she knows best. Mind you she has a schedule because we realized we can lay her down awake and she puts herself to sleep with no crying if we watch her wake windows. Well Thursday we decided MIL can’t watch the LO anymore after she barely napped and was up for 3 hours in the middle of the night when we had to work the next day because grandma thought she could do a better job than us 🙄(and it wasn’t the first time)
@petersmith What does she think parents in Scandinavia do - never leave the house? We bundle up the baby and take him out in freezing temperatures; if we waited for 75 degrees, we’d have like a 2 week window in July.

Babies can be out (if dressed responsibly) in all kinds of weather.
@petersmith My Norwegian mother does the opposite: Constantly asks why I don’t make the baby nap outside in his pram (the answer to that is that we live on the 5th floor in a big European capital, we don’t even have a pram yet, the baby is three weeks old and I have no idea what I’m doing).
@historyismypassion I hate the milestone questions! My 11 month old son didn't crawl until nine months, and some family member always asked if he was crawling yet every time we saw them. It makes you have to defend them and can be hurtful. Now that he's getting around they barely say anything about annoying ugh
I've had the opposite. My son is a little ahead with development milestones so he's close to figuring out crawling. His legs know what to do but he hasn't figured out his arms, and his upper body isn't strong enough to hold himself up yet, obviously. He's also trying to sit up a lot. He'll be 12 weeks next Sunday.

I had someone tell me to stop rushing him through this stage.


I put him on his mat for tummy time and that's what he does.

Or I have him leaning on my chest and he sits up to see his surroundings.

I don't intervene or manipulate his body, I just watch/support to make sure he doesn't hurt himself and to put him on his back when he starts to get tired.

I'm just as surprised as they are.
@katrina2017 My brother and I just had this conversation. His MIL (when talking about his son) always said “stop rushing him” and “you’re trying to make him grow up too quick”. Um no, we are providing him opportunities to learn and grow, as babies should.

My daughter gets so excited when she learns something new it would be such a shame to hold her back because she is doing something a little different than another baby.
omg right like you are supposed to stop them? Heck no! yeah, people just have to say something! when mine was standing up and holding on before crawling it was "well he needs to learn to craw before he walks" you can't win I swear! these are people who had children 30 years ago also...they don't even remember them being babies wow