Yes, it's possible to have a baby that has a late bedtime and wakes up late


New member
I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but, this is just an encouragement for people who are looking (like I was) for information on babies who had a later schedule.

I remember being pregnant and searching the term "late bedtime" because I knew that I wanted to sleep in when baby was born. My husband and I are night owls and function much better when we sleep later into the day. When my baby was around 3 months old (he's now 9.5 months old), I remember waking up with him for the day at 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. He would go to bed around 7:00 or 8:00pm. It was brutal. I thought, "Man, there has to be a better way to get my baby to sleep in".

Everyone online kept on insisting that babies just normally wake up early. There was all this "scientific evidence" saying that babies get their best sleep between 7:00 and 10:00 p.m. or whatever. I refused to believe that, and my husband and I decided to shift our baby's schedule back by HOURS. Boy oh boy, let me tell you how wonderful it's been! Our baby's bedtime is now 10:30 p.m., and he typically wakes anywhere between 8:30 and 9:30 every morning. I'm able to sleep in till about 8:30, and I spend my morning cleaning and organizing the house for the day while enjoying my hot cup of coffee. It has been such a game changer for my mental health!

My baby is now 9 and 1/2 months old and he wakes once in the middle of the night for a bottle and then sleeps the rest of the night. He takes two naps around 12:30 to 2:00, and then 5:00 to 6:00. It's also nice because we can enjoy dinner together as a family around 8:00 / 8:30 if we want and not have to wait until baby goes to bed.

We never actually sleep trained, we kind of just let baby fuss until he fell asleep. I guess that's called fuss it out. It has worked so well for our family.

I just want to say that it's okay to not do what everyone else says you should do. It's okay to find what works for your family. Obviously, our schedule only works for people who don't need to be up for work early in the morning (I'm a SAHM), but for those of us who don't leave the house in the morning, a late schedule for your baby can work!

May the sleep gods shine upon you!
@kitsoni Glad I found this post. I have been trying to get my 8 month old back on a normal schedule right now she goes to bed at 11pm-12am and sleep until 10am-11am.
@lukeplyr83 Same my baby use to sleep around that time but she got constipated and now for some reason her bed time is around 1am to 2am and she wakes uparound 12pm. I really want her bed time around 10pm but i don't know how to cover that 4 hours window we try giving her bath half an hour but she won't go to bed unless it's time and will start crying to an extent that we fear neighbors gonna call someone.
I really need help
Ps she is 7 month old
@michasdgr19 My baby is 18 months and stays up late and literally sleeps until like 10 am and I’m trying to get her on another schedule like 9am wake up but then she gets so mad and goes back to sleep I want to fix this any ideas
@kitsoni Question for you - did your baby sleep through the night before the later bedtime? Our 7 month old goes to bed between 6-730 and wakes every 2-3 hours then is up at 530am. I'm wondering if a much later bedtime will not only help with sleeping in but maybe also the night wakings too 🤞
@furen He slept through the night around 4 months (1 wake for milk). But I noticed the later bedtime gave him more consistent length of sleeps.
@kitsoni Sorry to comment on an old post but my son just won’t go to bed before 10pm. No matter what I do. I’ve thought about just giving in because while I wouldn’t mind waking up earlier, I do like his 9-9:30am wake time. Some days he wakes up earlier and he still won’t go to bed until after 10pm. The downside to this is that I either have to try to eat dinner while he’s awake or eat super later. And hubby and I have limited time together at night before we need to sleep
@dwallace0516 How old is he? My baby was going to bed late consistently late for the first few months. First 4? Now she’s ready for bed at 7 and I actually feel really bad putting her to bed later then that.... like she’s ready between 7/8:30 and I push it for various reasons,

I searched something along the lines and it boils down to me saying “ oh one last thing, I need to find that purple hairband? I need this and then that’s. Its kind of selfish and I told myself tonight that’s it.. sorry to intrude on a 90 day old post.

I thought having a second child I wouldn’t worry was much but I worry even more. Hope everything is geofking out well for you all now
@happygolucky He’s 9 months now and going to bed earlier. I just sucked it up and am now waking with him around 7-8am. So he’s going to bed around 8-9pm. We’ve been on this schedule for awhile now and it seems to be working out.
@dwallace0516 How old is your little one?

It seems like it's going to last forever, but everything changes whenever the nap schedule changes. We're not napping anymore. My toddler (3) is now on an 830-830 schedule, give or take. No naps. If he does nap, bedtime is around 930 and then he's up again around 8. My husband and I are eating now at around 930 LOL!
@kitsoni I know this is an old post, but can I ask how you did it? Did you just keep him up fussy until your bedtime and he just got used to it?

LO used to go down with us at 11 and wake at 10/10:30 but now is wanting to go to bed far earlier around 8. It would make no sense for us and sometimes we’re not even at the house by 8.
@marzucco I pushed each nap and bedtime back by 10 minutes each day. So 12pm nap became 12:10pm, 5pm nap became 5:10. It was barely noticeable. If it bothered him, I would stick to that pushed time for a few days. How old is your little one?
@kitsoni He is almost 3 months! He sleeps pretty well, but we don’t really have a consistent schedule for him or our life in general! I follow his wake windows for naps currently. And noticed one week he just started wanting to go down for the night around 8/8:30.
@seamos98 Sorry for late comment (brought here by google search) what kind of nap/sleep schedule did you have with this bedtime?our family are late nighters and with hubbys work schedule a later bedtime works for us so lo can get daily daddy time in but finding getting ourselves into a routine that works has been troublesome
@fgregc We also currently have a late bedtime little one wakes up between 11-12pm first nap 3-430 next nap 8-9 bedtime is between 12-1am she gives us a good 10 to 11 hours at night. She'll be 1 in two days