would you let your child go to a music concert alone?


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i am 18(f) n wanted to get a ticket to go see one of my top artists but my mum wouldn't let me cs she didn't want me going alone. so i told her i'd get two tickets n she'd have to come w me. however two tickets were a bit too expensive so i had to let it go. the concert would b happening in london in the winter.
i went to a diff music concert w my friends before but i was sitting alone on the other side of the arena. she wasn't happy but she allowed it.

i j want to know whether there are any parents out there who would allow it and whether i am asking for too much.
i understand that i would b safer in a grp but i don't have any friends who like the artist as much as i do so🥲
@tumini1 Well it depends on which child. I love my oldest daughter but I've seen her get lost in a Walmart too many times to be confident she could get into an unfamiliar City safely on her own
@tumini1 I wouldn't stop my adult child from going to a concert, no. Depending on several factors, I might express concerns and recommend that they go with a friend. If I wanted to go with them because of my concerns, I'd pay for my own ticket. Ultimately, it's their decision, though.
@tumini1 Pfft, at 18 they can do what they like as long as it's legal and not harming anyone.

I'd maybe suggest they grab a few friends to go with rather than go alone for safety, and let them know if they do get stuck and don't feel safe that they can call me to come get them, but otherwise go have fun and tell me all about it after.
@tumini1 Yes of course. You're an adult. At 18, both my daughters had left home and were either working or in uni.
They were doing their own thing and I trusted that they were smart enough to take care of themselves.
@tumini1 You’re an adult. You should be allowed to go alone.

But I would certainly want to go with my child. I love concerts. I’d definitely buy my own ticket, though.
@tumini1 I'm an aunt to a 16 year old female. I'm going to a huge concert with her this summer with a few of her girlfriends aged 15-16. Her mom wouldn't let her go without an adult present. I overheard and said man, that sounds like a really cool band to see. Yup, I invited myself. I bought her ticket and I told her I'll be there... I'll be the ride for all of them there and back which is like a three hour drive one way. At the concert she's probably going to go off on her own most of the time. It's an outdoor concert so no assigned seating. I'll tell her where I'll be and if she needs me... I'm there.

My son is 14 and I don't think I'd want him to go to a concert without an adult either
@tumini1 I was going to concerts alone at 13. Of course they were country so not much was going to happen. But for me it depends on the music. Rap, I would feel more comfortable if my 18 went with someone, but either way, you’re an afult
@tumini1 I’m sorry but I wouldn’t. Unfortunately it’s not about trust it’s about safety and when you’re alone there’s nothing you can do really to protect yourself. I would be ok with going or going with a friend. If it was someone they really wanted to see I’d probably try to make it happen and buy my own ticket.