Let’s talk about it: child support

@ericsnow Its not taboo. It's the fact there are opportunists who have ruined the system that was designed to help the parent raising the child more and fudged it up for everyone. Now if a woman seeks child support some may think she is only after the money. That does happen but its not every person doing this. If guys do not want to pay child support they need to wrap it up or stop getting every woman they sleep with pregnant.
@ericsnow In my opinion CS is only taboo when both parents are still in the picture with a 50/50 custody. I know a few that share 50/50 and still have to pay CS which in my opinion is unfair. Luckily me and the mother of my child share 50/50 with no issues or CS.

When a parent walks out on a child I think CS is 100% justified or if one parent has the child more than the other but I don't think CS should be required when both parents share 50/50.
@linzoe Yep I have my kids 50% of the time but still have to pay their dad $700/mth because he is a drop kick who refuses to get a full time job. His choice, he has significant earning capacity but that is not considered by CSA. In Australia
@mennocatholic I’m Australian. That’s not right. I was part of the group that got that legislation changed.

Try again to claim it. His capacity to earn is totally taken into account. Can you prove what type of job/income he used to have?

What was happening in my case was that my ex was working for his friends. I would apply for child support, it would talk about eight months for the application process to all go through and be approved and set up etc.
His friends would ‘fire’ him and tell the CSA they had to as their business could no longer afford to pay him was the lie that was told.
Meanwhile he just kept working and earning and not paying anything to support his kid.

My case was part of a huge internal investigation done by CSA and the legislation was changed because of it.
His capacity to earn can absolutely be taken into account. Have you been able to get any support for this? There are social workers at CentreLink who may be able to help, or maybe try some of the women’s legal centres. Your situation is not ok.

You can get hold of their legislation on the website (I don’t remember how anymore as my current situation is not applicable) try and use it against the system.
@ericsnow It's a busted system. Too much Puritan crap + loopholes + other societal baggage means this entire concept is unevenly handled for a way larger percentage of parents than we'd expect.

I've never received a dime of CS because my kid's dad's issues meant no matter what happened, he was not going to be able to contribute. I knew this was a thing going in and have had to tell people over and over that CS isn't a given for a ridiculously large number of kids.

But maybe it should be a given, considering how our system is stacked against parents, even though we definitely need a continuing population renewal.

I think that's the conversation everyone's actually avoiding.
@ericsnow Here is my gig about cs as a parent of a 19 year old: GET IT THROUGH OFFICIAL, LEGAL MEANS RIGHT NOW!! But he’s in between jobs — I don’t care. But he helps out without a court document — I don’t care. He watches the kids half the time — I don’t care.

Here is my cautionary tale: son’s dad did everything he was supposed to do with cs from divorce through age 18. Once 18 happened, dad disappeared, even though he is supposed to continue paying cs while child is in college. Unfortunately in our state (Oregon), the child (who is now an adult and a full time college student) is supposed to take dad to court. Not me — now I have nothing to do with it. Because I never officially filed for child support (dad paid through venmo every month), my son would have to start at the very beginning of the process. This is overwhelming and not something my son would be able to do with school and college sport. And there is no way I’m going to nag my kid to take his dad over the coals — that is too fraught with drama and conflict. So I said good-bye to all the child support my son would have deserved from age 18-21.

Let me reiterate: get it legal and official no matter what.
@ericsnow It’s the parents that abuse the system that gives CS a bad rap.

Dead beat parents (both fathers and mothers) that don’t want to contribute because their lives are in shambles. Ok, then why did you have a kid? If you had a kid, be responsible for your child’s expenses.

The other type of bad wrap, and unfortunately, more mothers withhold their children from fit, able and willing fathers just to collect child support. Most states will still have one parent pay child support if the income difference is large. There is no reason a child should be without equal access to both parents. Money should never be a reason!

Then you have the abusers. My ex being one of them. She played the victim card, dragged me through court and two years later, we are in 50/50 and I pay child support. Mind you, she earns 6 figures, has over $1million in liquid assets but she doesn’t believe a divorced mother should pay for her children if their dad earns a lot of money. Her exact words where “I am a mother and entitled to child support”. Obviously, using the state collection office to enforce it. I am ok paying it if she wasn’t a high earner also, but to refuse any kind of financial responsibility for her children because I fathered them? That’s abuse.

It’s not taboo. It’s needed to support the child. But if both parents are fit, willing and able, then the child should be 50/50 and each parent responsible for the child’s expenses. Then 50/50 for extra curricular activities and unreimbursed medical bills.

It’s not a fair system today due to title IV-D and the corruption in family court. In texas, judges get their retirement from the judicial retirement fund. That fund is funded via the states federal reimbursement money out of the special title IV-D federal budget. That budget is determined via how much the state collects in child support. It’s taboo because it’s legalized corruption and extortion.

If you need it, then absolutely file for it.