Would a 10 hour drive be ridiculous with a 2 month old?


New member
We're visiting my partner's family for Christmas, we would normally make the 10 hour drive but we're considering flying seeing as we have the baby. The baby will be 2 months at the time of the drive, what do people think? Has anyone done this?
@bradjoe96 It's going to be a lot longer than 10 hours driving even without a baby. You've got reinforcement with you. You'll be fine. Prepare and plan...you just may have a GREAT time!
@effervescenteye Yes.

Your drive there is going to suck, but unless you're getting absolutely pampered that whole stay spa-style, the drive back is probably going to be even worse.

I took my almost 3 month old on a ski weekend with my husband. My husband ski'ed and I hung out in a resort and essentially did nothing, and it was still exhausting. Being away from the amenities at home with a tiny baby and trying to settle a baby in a way that disturbs other people as little as possible is tiring. We drove there and back; without a baby, that drive is 5 hours. By the time we made it home, I was seriously contemplating divorce.

Maybe some people out there have unicorn babies or thrive in chaos, but I think for most people, those first few months should be reserved for rest, not travel.
@effervescenteye Have to stop a minimum every two hours to take the kiddo out of the seat for a break. Your 10 hour drive will look a lot more like 15-16 hours. Personally, I wouldn’t be going at all with a baby that young, but if you’re set on it I’d probably fly or do the driving over two days instead of one very long day.
@offenbarung Our family lives about 6hrs away. The first time we did the trip it easily took 10hr. When they’re that young especially if you’re breastfeeding you can’t have them in their seat for more then 2hrs at a time. By the end of the trip everyone will be exhausted both mentally and physically. I would avoid traveling that far with such a little one or taking the trip in a two day stride. My husband hated having to stay somewhere half way through but it’s worth having a rested and happy baby. Good luck regardless!
@bamos It's safety advice. It's not recommended that babies stay in the carseat for longer than 2hrs as it's not a flat, safe sleep position for them, and they can get hot
@effervescenteye Don’t do it. Also, it’s RSV/flu/cold season, so even having an 8 week old around extended family is risky. You can use that as an excuse. I’d stay the fuck home rather than putting a baby through that.

(Also, @offenbarung is correct — 10 hours turns to 16, and remember, it’s round trip, so you’re putting an 8 week old in a car seat for 32 hours.)
@effervescenteye I wouldn’t do that to the poor baby. A long drive is taxing on an adult, imagine a newborn needing to sit in a car seat for that long? It’s not fair to the baby. The baby’s needs come before grandparents wants. They can come see you if they really want to. As for the airplane, it’ll be possible but aside from the risk of a crying baby the entire flight, I’ve never once gone on a plane and not gotten sick afterwards. This is prime holiday travel time and a lot of germs are going to be in the airports and on those planes. Not worth the risk in my opinion.
@effervescenteye According to safety standards I’ve read a child should not spend more than 2 hours in a car seat in a 24 hour period of time. Hell to the no I wouldn’t make that trip with a 2 month old. It’s not safe for them to be in a car seat that long. People can get their vaccinations and come to me and book hotels or we’ll see them next year.
@pragyana Is this new guidance? I have always heard no more than 2 hours at a time, but I’ve now seen two comments in the past day saying it’s 2 hours total in 24 hours.