Would a 10 hour drive be ridiculous with a 2 month old?

@effervescenteye I took mine up at 1 month it was roughly 4 hours. Wasn’t too bad, I just changed her on the highway since i was in the back with her and no cars were around us.

She slept almost the whole way only got mad to eat and be changed which was an easy fix.
@effervescenteye If your baby sleeps better at night, do the drive at night. We did a 20 hour drive with a 1 year old and the overnight portion went very smooth.

This will probably get me downvoted but Id have no problem taking the baby out of the carseat for a short period on an uncrowded section of interestate or backroads for something like breast feeding or a quick diaper change.
@theniceiceman At least you're honest. How did any of us come to be with our parents or grandparents doing what you just said. I'm with you, downvotes and all because people judge and hide what they do when nobody is looking! FWYTYK to others out there.
@effervescenteye We drove from Missouri to Florida with my daughter at 4 months old we left at night so she slept the majority of the time while we were on the road we had to get a hotel in the middle but it was a 21 hour drive
@effervescenteye For us, it was fine. We had to take breaks because it’s an electric vehicle, so we had to charge every 2-3 hours anyway (first really long trip with the car + baby).

I’d say try it - but… definitely have a plan to just stop at a hotel in the middle. Don’t push yourselves more than necessary. Take a break. Two five hours drives are doable, one ten hour drive is exhausting.

Our baby slept a lot (and still does). But we were tired, even so.
@effervescenteye I did 15 hours over two days with a 6 week old (moving out of state). She slept in about 2 hour chunks so it wasn’t terrible. Did another long drive around 4 months and it was much harder.
@effervescenteye Just finished a 6hr drive with a 3 month old and it took an extra 2-3 hrs due to stops for breaks to feed, change and let him stretch out for a bit. I wouldn’t recommend it. We were both physically and mentally exhausted so I couldn’t imagine doing a longer stint. Definitely would go the flying route or have family come to y’all.
@effervescenteye It won't be that bad, I've done it. As long as you're prepared and mentally know what to expect, you will be fine. You'll probably be amazed how well your baby does. Hope you have safe travels!
@effervescenteye Way too long, imo. Way too long for a little one to be in a car seat even with breaks. And then after being overstimulated and in a new environment it would be an awful drive back. I wouldn’t even entertain the idea, but that’s me.
@effervescenteye I did this at the same age and it was fine. We visited my parents for two weeks, so the drive was worth it, plus I got some extra hands while we were there. Way down was tough, took us almost 13 hours and every stop was an hour plus because we had no idea what we were doing. We drove as long as we could until the baby woke up, and then stopped when she cried, so about every 3 hours. The way home was 1000x easier!! We had a good routine down of who was feeding the baby, who was taking the dog, who was getting food, etc etc etc. Took us the normal 10 hours on the way back, and the normal three stops. I’m not oooking forward to doing it with a toddler next time. A two month old sleeps the whole way, but a toddler you have to keep busy!
@effervescenteye I’m in the middle of driving across a few provinces with my partner and my 3 m/o right now. It’s definitely tricky at times but we stop every hour or 2, i take the baby out of his car seat, change, feed, then do some stretches on him; bicycle legs, back massage, toe touches, just to get him moving a bit. After about 20-25 mins we’re on the road again. For the most part he just chills in the back with his toys or he’ll fall asleep when we start driving. If we stop for gas or food I’ll take him out of his car seat and bring him in with me so he’s only in his seat when were driving. Again it’s just a bit trickier and way more time consuming but it’s not impossible
Oh and also if you can, split your 10 hour drive up in 2 days. To give an idea, from where we started our drive from our house, to a city in the province that is only a 4.5 hour drive away (without a baby) took us about 7 hours because of all the stops. Like it’s not terribly long but with your trip being 10 hours away it’d be best to split it up so you don’t feel like you’re rushing or crunched on time
@effervescenteye In a similar situation, the drive home for Christmas is 14 hours, my boyfriend will be driving with my dog and me and the baby are going to be flying (flight is less than two hours), I figured 2 hours is a lot more manageable than 14