Would a 10 hour drive be ridiculous with a 2 month old?

@effervescenteye We went for a 6 hour drive to see family when our baby was around 2 months and it was not ideal. Lots of diaper changes in awkward positions, blow outs, stops. It turned into an 8 hour drive that exhausted us by the end. Totally up to you though!

Also I'm not sure if you'd like to take such precious cargo on the roads during Christmas.

I would fly!
@effervescenteye I have driven and flown both times with a newborn and it was both tiring and exhausting being away from all my amenities. I would personally cancel the trip and stay home and enjoy your first Christmas with your family and infant. Wait until summer when they are about 7 months old. It is a lot easier and the baby will be a little older. Babies’ ears and especially newborns have a harder time adjusting to the pressure change in the airplanes, too. As the air pressure increases right before landing, it can cause pain in their ears that is why you will hear babies cry right before landing.
@effervescenteye I did 10 hours with a 3 month old, every 2 hours you need to take them out, change, feed, and stretch. So that 10 hours easily becomes more like 13-14. I dreaded the drive back so much because it was awful, would absolutely not do it again.

I would either ask people to come to you or stay home and FaceTime them.
@lazylarry That's very odd, EVERY recommendation I read was under a year to not keep them in the carseat for more than 2 hours in a stretch without a break outside of the carseat. You drove straight through, no stops/breaks to take kiddo out of the seat?
@gomez2219 We stopped maybe three or four times if I recall? Fed and changed her and then kept going. It wasn’t a long break.

As far as those recommendations, they’re intended to suit and apply to as many as possible. I think having an all clear from a pediatrician who knows the specific baby and can apply some more nuance to the recommendation is fine. I felt comfortable with our decision and so did she. If she had said she didn’t think it was safe, we would have split it into two days and stopped more often. She didn’t think that was necessary. ¯\(ツ)
@lazylarry This is the way to go! At two months they may be sleeping for longer stretches at night anyways…at least our LO was. When we did something similar we still stopped frequently to get her out of the car seat for a bit but since she was in a deeper sleep it was easier to get her back in, comfortable, and sleeping again so we could get back in the road. We’ve attempted shorter drives in the daytime and they wreaked havoc on her napping and proved to be much harder.
@effervescenteye fly!!! they sleep so well in planes at that age. baby wear.. keep them close.. avoid crowding at the airport. that car ride will take so long bc you have to take breaks. and then you have to drive back 😫😩

OR make the family come to you ;)
@effervescenteye If you go, check with your health insurance and be prepared if baby needs medical care out of state. A fair amount of plans do not cover out of state care at in network rates.
@effervescenteye fly!!! i’ve flown with my baby twice (she’s not 6 months old yet) and it was actually quite easy! baby will sleep the whole time and don’t forget…babies are people and deserve to fly too!