Work sent me a congratulatory 6-mo onesie for new baby, then fired me the day she turned 1 month


New member
Should I
1) wipe my ass with it
2) wipe her ass with it
3) donate it to someone who needs a perfectly fine onesie with horrible karma
4) just keep sobbing and dry my tears with it?
@capone35 They fired you when you were on mat leave? Or were you back working already at that point?

Can you check what recourse you have in your country or state?

Where I live, letting go of a mother who is still on mat leave, or recently returned from mat leave would be a dicey situation for the employer.
@doubledogdare It’s weird - I’m being let go as soon as my leave is over …they are letting me know in advance “as a courtesy”. At least they are paying me till the end of mat leave.
@capone35 I do not know shit about laws but i do know its worth a (free) consultation to see of its worth the fight cause this sounds very unethical and sketchy....
@sinquisit1834 Out of 7 people on my team, one other has “decided to pursue opportunities outside the company” so sounds like two of us fired, 5 moved to other teams. My colleague who is staying confided that one of the cofounders told him “if they weren’t friends he would be fired by now”
@capone35 If you’re still bleeding how about using it as an extra soft postpartum pad? I would suggest then posting it back to them but that’s because I’m petty.
@capone35 Send it back to your work, to your old boss with a thank you note that says “Thanks for firing me. We don’t want your bad vibes onesie in our house. Save it for your next pregnant employee you plan on firing” and then come back here and tell us how it went lol