Witching Hour… W T F


New member
All I can say is WOW

My son is 5 weeks old and just began the witching hour where he will scream and be inconsolable from around 5-9pm. We do bouncing, rocking, dark room, white noise, swaddle, the 5 S, and offer breast. At this point baby is hungry but refuses to eat because is so worked up. This is my second and I never experienced this intensity with my first.

Note: I did bring this up to the physician and we just had a checked this passed Friday and she said everything looked good. LO does have gas and some reflux but does not act this way during the day. Actually sleeps and eats quite well during the day.

Did anyone else go through this? Please give me some sanity that this will pass soon and some coping methods.
@becky_jewel Maybe it's your LOs wake window? My LO started having wake windows during that time around that age. We started feeding her at about 4/5 pm and then after a little while of sitting up post feeding she gets some time at her play area I set up. It's a mobile (I switch them up every few days or so. I have about 3 or four simple ones I think) on A frame holder, mirror, contrast cards, and a rattle or book. I will also sing, talk or read to her during that time. Hubs and I also take turns eating and entertaining her. I also started taking walks a couple times a week when it was nice wearing her (as that can help with them not liking being carried (also try different carriers. I have one of each kind. She loves the wrap and sling the best because it adds swaddling in which ssc do not) or the stroller, to get sun on her face. Shortly after she really got into a carcadian rhythm. We try and let a little bit of sun on her since it's winter. We aren't that concerned about sunburn yet. Then she started doing longer night stretches two. She also started wanting a play wake window in the morning.

Good luck!
@becky_jewel Ugh it sucks but it does pass. I found bouncing on a yoga ball would usually work for me but other than that you just get through it. Also, noise canceling earpuds and a good podcast can work wonders too while trying to settle the baby and need a bit of sanity.
@becky_jewel It passes!!! I can’t recommend a good probiotic enough. Gerber soothe was a huge winner for my son. Now for the kind of bad news…for my son the witching hour and colickyness hung around until he was about three months old. By 4 months he was like a brand new child lol. So sometimes it does take time but I promise you it’s not permanent.
@becky_jewel Love to dream swaddle, white noise, shusher, slow calm talking or humming, baby wearing as well. I can’t stress enough that finding their ideal comfort rock/ hold is so important. My baby needed consistent rhythmic steps in the wrap with a constant butt Pat. It was like my own version of morse code lol

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