This newborn stage is killer , my boy is 6 weeks and is up every hour or so feeding , any advice to get through this ?

@tiiira The every hour phase is rougher than a cats tongue against a cactus. I just kept telling myself, "The days are long, but the years will feel short."

I'm seeing loads of great advice in your comments as well. Babies LOVE routines , and getting sunshine and fresh air will help you both! You can do this!
@tiiira Try the french pause at night. You may think they have awoken but a lot of the times they are just crying or making noises while not actually awake, and if you inmediately respond you are actually waking them up and making both of your lives more difficult. This has done wonders for me being able to get some sleep at night. There are still some bad nights inevidbly
@tiiira I hated that stage, I’m still technically at the baby stage but at least she’s getting a little bit interesting and the routine is getting there

My advice is to get the help that you need, or ask for help or hire help whichever works for you. Don’t worry about having a routine, it’s not possible it’s literally chaos (for me, it was), get lots of support if you’re able to and lots hell