Wife STD but i dont have any


New member
Good morning fellow Dad's.
This isn't exactly related to kids but we are having a 1 Year Old Son.
She says it scratches her down there a lot lately & thinks it might be an STD that she would have gotten from me. Problem with this answer is -> we both took meds before/beginnibg of pregnancy (1.8 Years). So we both PROBABLY were cured of Chlamydies.
Since then, we had 4-5 PROTECTED sex (condom).

I recently had a check on me on everything (healthcheck in general) - No HiV, No STD.
Now, im almost sure she didn't cheat. I don't wanna accuse her for that if im not sure, but im certainly not giving her the right to accuse me, when im negative.

Could she get it from somewhere else than sex?

Thanks in advance.
@fmeekins I mean, the possibility exists that you may have just kept passing it back and forth, despite having taken meds. But that’s very small possibility and not something you can really prove or disprove. But if she’s already accusing you before anything even testing positive, that’s kind of a red flag.

Most likely she just has a yeast infection due to being pregnant. But might be time to have a sit down honest chat
@fmeekins Not necessarily. Incubation times are different also your immune system could suppress it. There’s a lot of variables that go into it so the only real answer would be to go get tested together at the same time and go from there
@fmeekins Sexually. Transmitted. Disease. So if you’re SURE she isn’t cheating then it’s not a STD and it could be like a UTI. If you’re clean and you’re certain it’s a STD then confirm with another doctor you don’t have anything before questioning her differently. Hope everyone is happy and healthy.
@fmeekins Um, it's really weird to go from itchy groin to "It must be an STD" when there are so several common and non STD possibilities. She needs to see a doctor and then you two need to have a discussion on why it went to STD. Not necessarily cheating but is she having anxiety or anything? It's just a very weird thought to share.
@fmeekins It’s almost 100% just a yeast infection. Have her eat plenty of yogurt. Being pregnant and then breastfeeding changes the bacteria down there for women and it can cause yeast infections and uti’s pretty easy. Women’s urinary tract is super short so they have an easier time getting UTI’s compared to men. Both these itch and burn and have reason to be there. Lastly, when you’re a new parent you kind of put your own health responsibilities on the back burner for a while and people can stop bathing properly due to this. This dirtiness can lead to other infections, chlamydia and gonorrhea aren’t STDs but STIs and happen when there’s a problem with a personals genitals aren’t cleaned properly and sex happens and that bacteria gets pushed inside.
@fmeekins Has she been in antibiotics recently? They can wreak havoc on your good bacteria, which can lead to yeast infections. My wife is prone to sinus infections, and the antibiotics used to treat them can mess her up.

As others have said, you really need to qualify exactly what it is before any accusations start flying about. There are reasonable explanations out there that don't involve cheating.