Wife STD but i dont have any

@fmeekins It sounds like she hasn’t been tested? Go do that. There are TONS of reasons she could be itchy. STD’s are actually fairly low on the list.

But yeah, if it is an STD, she cheated. It is incredibly unlikely you were trading it back and forth. If she has the STD, she belongs on the streets.
@fmeekins Because you have no clue whether its actually an STD, and the accusation makes sense if she didnt cheat that you mustve.

Find out if there is a fire before you start calling the fire department...
@fmeekins IMO it’s a red flag unless there is some clear or defining medical concern or a previously condition that has returned. Has she acted different or taking extra time with things at all lately to where it’s possible she cheated? UTI’s can be common when new sexual partners are introduced so unless you can completely rule that out don’t put it past her.
@fmeekins Hoping it’s just something minor and insignificant but always have to consider everything in this day and age. You both should take a full STI/STD panel and rule out any concerns especially if you have no symptoms and have been clear.
@fmeekins One or both of you could have/had HPV which isn't easily or regularly tested for in men. Either of you could have had it for some time with it remaining dormant for some time before becoming active. If it is HPV, the only thing you have to rely on is trusting your partner in that they say.

Edit: there's no point speculating, she should just go get tested.
@fmeekins In my experience, when a partner defaults to accusing you of cheating when you definitely did not it ends up being them who have.

It’s weird and I definitely don’t know you’re whole story so take this impulsive response with a grain of salt.

Good luck navigating this. Don’t forget to be kind to yourself and the ones you love.