Wife’s water broke at 31 w / 4 d - scared and alone

@anon9000get this is purely anecdotal but my husband was born at 33 weeks and he is just fine! A friend had a 32 wheeler and he was a bit behind but has caught up now, he’s around 18 months!
@anon9000get My niece was just born at 23 weeks. She's almost a month old now and doing well, starting to breathe on her own. They did an ultrasound of her brain and it looks like the blood vessels are in good condition to keep growing!

You guys can do this. It will be okay. 31+ weeks is a really good chance everything will be normal!
@anon9000get I was born at 26 weeks nearly 30 years ago. Relatively few (minor) lasting medical problems from that whole ordeal. I hope your baby makes it to 34 weeks, but even if not, I bet little one will be just fine. I’ll be thinking of you guys. ❤️
@anon9000get My son was born at 30 weeks and he is now the most amazing, smart, sweet, kind, well adjusted four year old you would ever meet. Just take things one day at a time-the nurses and doctors will take good care of you all.
@anon9000get My oldest was born at 34 weeks. Aside from a 3 week stay in the NICU and taking a few months to get on the regular growth charts, you'd never know it. He's 4 now, sharp as a tack and with no long term effects of being born early.
@anon9000get My best friend delivered at 25 weeks this last spring. Her baby is home, healthy and happy and on par or early with development without regards to her adjustments. The only “issue” is a damaged/underdeveloped vocal cord so she’s quieter than most babies. Don’t worry too much about the what if’s, don’t borrow worry. Babies are a heck of a lot stronger than we think. good luck and hugs from afar!!
@anon9000get I have a former 34 weeker. She did great and has no lasting effects whatsoever. It’s great your wife is getting the steroids- they will definitely help. There was no time for me to get them and my daughter still did good. She was in the NICU for 11 days just learning how to eat and slight apnea. Good luck and keep us updated!
@anon9000get Hey! I was born at 34 weeks and all I have is recurring anemia. I have a beautiful son and a very healthy and loving relationship with my husband and my family. Plus, that was over 30 years ago, medicine has improved considerably.

Do everything you can for your wife. Keep her relaxed, joke around, listen when she needs to talk and bring food (hospital food is the worst).

You two will be excellent parents!
@anon9000get Hi there! Sorry your family’s Christmas plans have been disrupted, but I’m happy to report that I was born at 30 weeks and I’m a fully functional 20-something now! My eyesight is kind of crappy so I’ve been a life long glasses wearer, but that’s the only lasting issue I’ve had from being a preemie. As a little girl, I had ear infections a lot but I don’t actually know if that’s from being premature and either way, it sorted itself out. Also, I was always a high honors student and now I’m a fancy shmancy accountant LOL I wouldn’t worry tooooo much about the bad stuff, as many have said, the outcomes for babies born between 31 and 34 weeks are largely positive !
@anon9000get Take a deep breath. You guys are going to be okay. Echoing other testimony, I was born 2 months early. My mom went through hell and back for me for 8 days unable to move off the hospital bed (she holds this over my head a lot.) But I'm healthy physically and emotionally. No issues. I actually just had my first ever surgery last year and I'm 26. Your little baby is just super excited to meet their wonderful parents. You've got all of us here to help you guys out so you're definitely not alone. Hugs.
@anon9000get My cousin was born at 29 weeks over 30 years ago, not nearly with the modern medical available today. She is now an officer in the air force, mom to 2 kids, and a pretty cool person overall. She has some major food allergies and always had trouble in school, but it made her resilient in other ways.
Things will turn out how they turn out and you'll deal with them as they do. Hang in there.
@anon9000get Our baby didn't have the same problems, but we've spent over a month of her four months in hospitals. All you can do is care for the baby and each other. All the medical problems are the doctor and nurses jobs. Cuddles and normal care is your job.

I realise that this may seem ridiculous and unhelpful but i think its really helped me be the best dad i can for the last few months. All the best to you and your family.
@anon9000get You can do this, OP!

Just be there for your wife (like I’m sure you already are), and reassure her that everything will be okay. Try to keep her as stress-free and calm as you possibly can.

You’re going to get through this next next weeks together — no matter what that means — but there is every reason to believe that your little one is going to be just fine.

Is this y’all’s first baby?
@anon9000get My waters broke at 32+1, baby born at 32+3. 4 weeks in NICU. I know how terrifying this is and I'm sorry you're going through it.

Right now my now 18 month old is giggling in the bath, playing with his Dad. He's healthy, happy, has corrected to his birth age and already way too smart.

Family and friends will want to help but there's not a lot they can do, except cook healthy food for you and help clean the house so you can focus on getting to and from the hospital whilst bub is in NICU. Also, if they want to buy Prem clothes, ones without enclosed feet are best.for accommodating the monitoring cords.
@anon9000get Purely anecdotal, but I know a person born at 26w and also my brother was born at 32w.
Neither of them are emotionally, intellectually or physically stunted. And I mean these people are now 31 and 34 years old.

The one born at 26w is actually super smart! She was in my honors chemistry class in high school even though she was a year behind me.

My brother is a very kind, sensitive man who has a family of his own now with two very lovely children and a nice cushy job.

Try and stay positive!
@anon9000get I was born at 26 weeks, 32 years ago. I do have some mental health disorders but they are genetic and not related to my being a premie. Other then that I'm fine.
@anon9000get My friend just had her son at 33w+4 days born on 30th oct at 2.135kg according to her FB updates. Her water bag broke at 28 weeks and miraculously she was able to keep him in till then while staying in the hospital for 5 weeks. He was discharged 20 days later and is still doing well. Only had a bladder infection from E-coli.

She is also doing well. She posted a pic of herself looking sweaty after a jog around the neighborhood a week ago.