Wife’s about to go back to work after baby number 1. Dad’s - what do I not yet know?


New member
Our situation is mid 20’s, have an amazing 10 month old. Keen to hear from all of you what changes, how’d it go with the transition from one working parent to two! Have been intentionally vague as I’d love to hear the whole range of experiences.

Cheers Daddit!
@lightlovehope It was a positive for us. It really helped bring my partner out of her post natal depression. I think it helped give her purpose. She works 2 days a week though so not full time. She loves working but also having lots of time with our daughter and the balance seems to work really well for us.

Plan is to gradually have her work more days as the years go by and the little one goes to school etc
@lightlovehope Routine and expectations. Set your schedule now for who is doing drop off and pick up if it’s daycare. Who is responsible for dinner, shopping, laundry, etc. You can always make changes but having a set of expectations means that each of you can better manage your time.
@lightlovehope Lurking mom here: I really did not expect to miss my son as much as I did. I have a high stress career that I spent years and graduate education on attaining, and suddenly all I wanted was to be at home with him. After a month or two at work, I had readjusted but my priorities have still shifted to put him first. I know my husband was happy to have me back because then we are able to both truly split 50/50. As others have said, find a routine that works for your family. My husband does drop off and I do pick up because I start and end earlier, that way our son spends less time at daycare. We also each get a weekend morning to sleep in.
@lightlovehope Support, my wife felt a bit of guilt stepping away from the baby after having so much time with her during mat leave. Reassuring her that she's a wonderful mother even though somebody else is looking after our baby while she was back doing what she studied and trained for years to do.