Why should I not let my baby “use me as a human pacifier”

@yoshinat0r Mine did and he’s now 2 years and 3 months. Stopping breastfeeding was okay, we stopped gradually. But he still needs to touch my boob to fall asleep. It isn’t too bad but I also have a 5 month old to get to sleep so it’s an inconvenient attachment for me, but normal for now I suppose. It did mean that no one else could comfort him, since boob was king even above me. So when I went to urgent care (three times since his birth), it was a horrendous time for him and his carer at the time. Something to consider.
@yoshinat0r I did it with both of mine. It was an easy way for them to fall asleep as infants. It ends up being such a short period of time in the grand scheme, that I don’t regret it. It was a little tough getting them to sleep independently (I think maybe between 6-9 months we were doing the whole not nursing to sleep anymore thing? I don’t specifically recall). But I agree with you, that it felt natural. They both came out of it by later infancy. They always grow out of their habits eventually.
@yoshinat0r Its only for you.

Personally I wanted to nurse to feed and not for comfort. I also didnt have the problem to have to wean or have to find another way to make my daughter sleep.

I dont have regrets because I see how hard it may be to change from nursing to sleep and everytime in the night to make LO fall asleep again. It was kinda easier for me for that part.

On the other hand, since solid, it was hard to feed my daughter and I had to put a lot of effort to keep my supply because she didnt care anymore and just wanted to feed quick and back to play. I had to pump to have the letdown then feed her because she had no patience

I had to stop before 11 months and she did it all by herself. I didnt want to pump anymore.

So, again, its your choice!
@yoshinat0r I did this with my first and am now doing it with my second. I nursed my first to sleep (and throughout the night) until I got pregnant with my second and it became uncomfortable. My only nurses during the day. At bedtime it was challenging to make the transition, but not too bad. My husband put him to sleep for 4-5 nights and then we were good. I continued to cosleep until my second was born.
@yoshinat0r Are you ok with cosleeping? Cause baby will probably end up wanting to nurse throughout the night to connect sleep cycles.

Fine to do it now if you want to, just the long term practical matters of that as a soothing tool.
@yoshinat0r I did the same and while I don’t hate it…it’s made life a little harder.

For one, she won’t nap at all without nursing. Which can be difficult if we’re say, driving somewhere or out on a walk and she gets sleepy. She straight up will cry and cry until we’re somewhere I can latch her.

Secondly, if you have help or someone is offering to hold them while you eat or whatever and they get sleepy you’re always going to have to drop everything and get them to sleep and then risk waking up after transferring to crib/bassinet/someone’s arms. So you’ll end up nap trapped quite often.

Lastly, if you’re ever in a position where you desperately need them to take a pacifier or be calm for a few minutes (like maybe a Dr appt) the odds of that are pretty low if they won’t take anything but the nipple.

But honestly the time spent bonding with them is well worth the extra trouble.