wHy iS yOuR bAbY cRyInG?!?

@dickvep I'm 31 years old. I don't even sleep through the night. Why the fuck would I expect it of an infant whose stomach is the size of an egg and gets uncomfortable in wet diapers?
@dickvep Ours slept well at first. And then, with 4 months old, started to wake up crying 10-15 times per night.

We were Zombies for these months...

But somehow it got better...
@rachelcgv "She's taken every day off this week. Probably something to do with her funeral yesterday."

If strangers are going to say dumb shit, I like to make it super awkward.
@rachelcgv This one gets me every fucking time. It’s a routine thing for me to take my two boys with me, whether it’s a quick trip to Lowe’s, the grocery store, or a trip to the park. Never fails, SOMEONE has to say something about it.

Like, no, I’m their dad. I actually want to spend time with them, teach them, and have a relationship with them.
@rachelcgv You know what's funny about this to me?

I live in Japan, which is basically the country for the Mom-does-everything-around-the-house-while-Dad-lives-at-work kind of nuclear family. I have never once in my three years of raising a son received any comment even slightly resembling this here. People here will happily strike up a conversation with a young parent out with their child, but everyone has always been completely respectful.

On the other hand when I posted a picture of my son on Facebook my American aunt couldn't help herself from butting in to make a comment implying my incompetence. She doesn't even have kids.

I couldn't live with that kind of bullshit every day.

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