why buy a rocker?


New member
We were gifted an electric rocker from ingenuity, it says it's for 0 - 9 months, it rocks and it vibrates and it plays music, lovely.
But everywhere I read the dangers of rockers, so much so that I'm convinced that merely touching the rocker will mortally wound my baby. I'm terrified that sitting in it will mean my baby can't breathe properly and I've not let her be in it for more than five minutes, with constant readjustment to make sure she's not slouched.
If these things are such a death trap, what are they good for? does it present less of a risk to breathing difficulties after several months old? It goes without saying that I would never take my eyes off her while using it.
@iprayforpeace Just don't let baby sleep in there. We didn't use ours much because newborns are so sleepy, but my baby is 2 months and now we put her in the swing supervised while she's awake if we are eating or tidying up. She likes the motion and loves the mobile attached. It keeps her interested for a while. She will fall asleep sometimes and then I just take her out and lay her somewhere else.
@iprayforpeace I honestly didn’t use it much when LO was a newborn because she was so sleepy, but we use it quite a bit now that she’s 2 months. She likes the movement and watching the mobile that’s attached! Ours also has a little mirror that she can smile at 😊 I definitely do not let her sleep in it and take her out if she dozes off.
@iprayforpeace My boy is only 2.5 months but I use it to help my son poop or to set him down for ten mins while I pee. Probably don't need it, but it is helpful sometimes. He despises his swing though so that's a total waste, not to mention I worry it'll put him to sleep and he has never once slept through a transition, no matter how many special techniques I use lol.
@servantofchrist27 Well.. I hate to disagree. But suffocation is silent. There have been cases of parents supervising their child in rockers or positioners while the baby is sleeping, and the baby died… because a dead baby looks like a sleeping baby. :/ I hate that phrase but it’s true. So personally? If my baby fell asleep, I took them out. I didn’t feel it was worth the risk.