When is baby *not* going through regression


New member
4 month, 6 month, 8-10 month, 12 month, honestly lol why don’t we just call a spade a spade and have it be the first year regression

*cue the people about to comment, “My Lo NeVeR wEnT tHrOuGh OnE aT aLl”
@sungw I feel like the whole idea of a “regression” is kind of BS to be honest. Babies and children and adults are constantly evolving as we age as well as adapting to outside influences such as environment, stress, and emotions, etc. I think that’s just what it is, plain and simple, not some defined “regression” that happens every time you blink. I don’t know why we insist on labeling every darn thing.
@sungw my baby seems to be in a constant state of regression tbh. we get 1-3 good weeks maybe, and then right back to just sleeping like doodoo. she naps fairly well through the day most times, and can get a good 4-5 hour stretch most nights so i guess it's not /terrible/
@sungw My baby is always in regression for some reason lol. A growth spurt, teething, eczema, a developmental leap, gas…whatever! He hasn’t slept longer than a 4 hour stretch ever and he’s 8 months! 😫
@sungw This is 100% accurate lol. My kid did not sleep well until he was like 14 months old. We would get a couple nights here and there where he would sleep better than others, but overall it was a shit show for about a year
@sungw If it’s not a “regression”, it’s teething, or illness, or sleep schedule is off, or growing pains, or who knows what. It’s something everyday and that’s NORMAL.