When do you have appointments for yourself??


New member
I have one kid in preschool and the other is at home with me full time. When am I supposed to see a dentist or doctor for a regular checkup? I could use a visit to both as I recently moved and need to establish care. My husband works M-F 8am-5pm and we don’t have any family in town to help with my littlest one
@barry61 Kids over 2 years come to checkup appointments with me (unless it's invasive or majorly important). Things like dentist cleanings and eye doctor appointments, they tag along and I shamelessly give them Bluey on my phone. In some ways, it's great because they get to learn about going to the doctors and become more comfortable in the office. My kid even came with me to several gyno checkups when pregnant with baby #2.

Kids under 2 or important appointments, my husband will take time off of work. He has told me which day/time works best for his schedule (Tuesday first thing in the morning) and I do my best to accommodate. It's not ideal, but I've learned the hard way it's better to take care of my body and schedule appointments at our convenience rather than have to rush around for an emergency appointment and husband has to take off work anyway.
@barry61 I make my dental apps the last available, which is 4.45. My husband meets me there and we swap baby. My dentist is in the city. Hair apps, I do in the evening. Nails, on the weekend. I don’t really have any other sort of appointment lol
@kinai yeah this is a good idea. hopefully OPs husband job isn't crazy, i feel like most jobs can accommodate 15-30 min here or there
@barry61 I’ve taken my baby into appointments, even though it makes me anxious. My dentist actually encouraged me to bring in the toddler because he said usually they get interested in what’s happening and won’t be scared at their first dentist appointment.
@barry61 How young is the at home child? Depending on if your husband can make time for you to go to an appointment you have 2 other options. Bring them with you or hire a sitter.

I have one morning a week that my 2 yr old is in mom’s day out that I can make appointments for myself, and usually end up doing things that I can’t do with the toddler. It’s hard to prioritize myself when time is scarce.
@malvina Mine is 15 months. I’ve taken them to Dr appointments, I guess the dentist is the main thing. They don’t want to sit in a stroller anymore
@barry61 My kid is 2y 3m and I cannot imagine taking him to the dentist. He’s way too crazy, doesn’t sit still for a second.

I would find a place that does 7 am appts and see if your husband can go to work late one day. The reality is that he has to use some of his PTO for you too - it’s really both of yours.
@barry61 Do you have a wagon? It works about half the time for us. Toddler knows he needs to stay in it if we’re in an office, but the draw of new things is strong.

Maybe found a dentist with Saturday hours? That’s what I ended up doing as it’s easier for my husband to guarantee that he will take over at that time.
@barry61 1) Husband needs to take time off to help watch kids. He can even say it's an appointment for him to get time off.

2) Hire a sitter.

I totally get it, I've been avoiding the dentist cause it's hard to find time. But I really really need to go.
@uniquetexasgirl Those are my 2 default options along with also choosing a doctor that’s open until 7 or Saturdays so I can schedule a 5pm appt. Thankfully my husbands job is flexible that he can leave a bit early if needed and make up for it another day.
@barry61 I have called to have doctors appointments on Saturday mornings, I have also asked if I could bring my youngest in and they could stay in the car seat or something.

Dentist is hard. I haven’t figured that out yet. I know some moms have found places that don’t mind and the staff may help with the kid.

It’s one of those things were you won’t know until you ask.

I also know I’m in a mom group on FB that would help me find another mom to help me or something
@barry61 My husband works from home three days a week. I schedule my appointments within that 12:00 to 2:30 time period that our 20 month old naps during. It’s easiest for everyone involved!
@barry61 My husband takes time off work to watch the baby while I am at an appointment. Sometimes he doesn’t even officially take time off - he works from home and has a very flexible schedule. I do teletherapy so that’s really easy (and usually the baby is with me for a little while to say hi - I also brought my older son to therapy with me when he was a baby, until he got mobile enough that we were spending all our time keeping him safe, so my husband (this was pre-pandemic) would make those WFH days/take part of the day off). If my husband really can’t do it my Dad might be able to. I acknowledge that I am very privileged in this regard.