Make your dental appointments

@p8089 This cannot ring truer. Your story mirrors mine. I had a couple and one root canal. Also reminder to stop sharing kisses on the mouth and food with mouth contact until you confirm whether or not you have cavities since they are contagious.
@anneelise I'm trying with the food part.
I won't willingly give her food that I've bitten but she'll grab them so quickly and put it in her mouth.
I bought us some similar cups today, that way she hopefully won't fight for what I have.
@p8089 I have to say YES!!!! Lo and behold I waited until after giving birth because I had 24/7 heartburn for four months. I went after I delivered and my dentist was furious at me when comparing my teeth to photos taken a month before my pregnancy. In 9 months all the enamel had been burned off the back of my teeth from the stomach acid, morning sickness, and heartburn. And I've never had a root canal in my I have to have one....errrrggg...Kicking myself....
@p8089 I wish this was talked about more! Put the dental risks on the condom packages or something, hell! I never had any problems with my teeth until after baby, then boom cavity city. Add gum recession from over brushing due to cavity anxiety 🤦‍♀️
@p8089 And in the UK you get free dental care when pregnant and immediately postpartum so take advantage of it!

Sadly, that doesn't include the hygienist.
@p8089 I’ve always had awful teeth (genetic), filled with fillings. About 6 weeks after the birth of my son (2021; hasn’t been to dentist since fall 2019 due to a cross country move and covid) we were walking and I felt a crack while eating a granola bar. Couldn’t put much pressure on it but wasn’t causing me too much grief or pain. Booked a dentist appointment for a few days later. I go and she said “oh….” And pulls out HALF OF MY TOOTH!! Literally snapped my tooth. She said it’s amazing what she sees in a pregnant or new mom’s mouth. People with good teeth, all the sudden riddled with cavities for example.

So she filled this tooth. I went back a few days later and it turned out the entire tooth was dead LOL! Had to have it extracted; the filling worked until the extraction thank goodness, although I ate very gingerly on that side of my mouth and avoided hard and chewy things. Had the extraction in April 2022 and was so thankful for that tooth to be gone!

But. I had read over and over “pregnant? Go to the dentist! Take care of those teeth!!”. Ya. I would’ve had it not been for COVID shutting everything down. I’m not a person who puts off cleanings anymore because of my childhood troubles and then late teen/early teen avoidance of the dentist for financial reasons. When I was 25-26 I had a cavity in EVERY. SINGLE. TOOTH. I was in that dentist chair for days over the course of a couple of weeks; awful.
@p8089 I really really need to but I have to wait for November when there’s open enrollment on my health insurance so I can add a dental plan because I’m sure I’ll need a lot of work done too.
@p8089 Same boat. I put it off and put it off. Had to get a crown, several fillings, and treatment for early stage gingivitis. Dentist told me that gingivitis can cause preterm labor and baby boy was born 6 weeks early 🙃 My biggest regret was not keeping up on cleanings and I paid for it. I do cleanings every 4 months now and you better believe I’m flossing every night.
@p8089 Also, for anyone pregnant right now, your dentist office will require you to bring or fax a letter from your OB for any treatment. Generally, even with the letter, they will refuse x-rays and non-emergency stuff in the 1st and 3rd trimester. Don’t be me and show up for x-rays and cleaning just to be turned around and have to reschedule.
For redditors in US!