When do you have appointments for yourself??

@barry61 My mother takes my daughter one day a week, so I book on that day when I can (but she's not always reliable, so it has caused a problem a couple of times). Otherwise, my husband has to take time off work.
@barry61 can your husband say he has a dr appt and you take the first or last appt of the day? and then he watches kiddo. i know some jobs are terrible but hopefully they don't notice a couple extra appts a year :)
@barry61 Dentist I do on Saturday’s and have them auto book me for every six months on a Saturday. Otherwise it’s booked out like 4 months in advance. Doctor I take my kids with me 🤷‍♀️
@barry61 My dentist opens at 7. So does my obgyn. It only works if I don't have to drop off my older one at school though so I use it during school breaks. I used to take the 1pm appointment so my little would be napping while my husband works from home. My optometrist closes at 6 so I can grab a later appointment and leave my kids.

I've taken my kids to my Dr (pcp for sinus infection) and my orthodontist. They have been trained to sit quietly with tablets and fruit snacks lol.

I do ask neighbors to host a playdate sometimes if my other methods don't work. I don't bring them to the dentist, or obgyn if I'm getting undressed. I don't want to chase them down the hall in a gown. I think we're past that stage but I'm not risking it.
@barry61 I bring them with me. I draw the line at gyno and emergencies. I had an emergent appointment for what e def up being a detached retina. Left her home with grandma for all those. Grandma and auntie are getting banging Christmas this year for all the help. Glad they have cheap wants.
@barry61 My husband also needs appointments for the same stuff so we usually schedule the same day like 30 minutes apart and then he takes the day off and we take turns sitting in the waiting room with our little. Last time the dentist brought us back together and didn’t mind a bit that our little sat in the chair between our rooms
@barry61 It’s a bit challenging. I found a dentist that’s open on Saturdays, so I make my dental appointments then. Otherwise I schedule either first thing in the morning or last thing before places close.
@barry61 i wish i was able to take him into appointments with me! same situation but he is either not allowed in so i have to either cancel my appointments or wait for the rare weekday partner has off and schedule them all for then. it got so bad when i tried scheduling to have an iud (my first 😅) put in i asked if i could just hold him during the procedure to which the doctor said i must not know how uncomfortable they are and reiterated no baby so now i am having an iud inserted across town at 9pm 😞
@barry61 I take my baby with me. It's my only option. For dentist I'm pretty lucky as my partner gets 1 week day off a week, generally Friday's so I schedule for them. But if I can't, I bring her and she sits in her car seat. We did that for physical therapy appointments for months. I try to avoid that as much as possible sometimes, it's unavoidable. Otherwise, she's with me, I hold her or wear her.
@barry61 Doctor appointments my toddler comes with for dentist appointments my husband takes time off and stays home with our toddler.
I bring books and toys but usually my toddler is interested in what's going on. I've found them going to my appointments has helped alleviate fears of doctor visits for them. They see a doctor do many of the same things tests on me and see that I'm calm and unfazed.

I have needed emergency dental work and pulled out the tablet for that with downloaded shows/movies and sat them in a chair in the room. Works well if they don't regularly get TV or a tablet.
@barry61 My husband uses sick time just like he would for his own appointments. I check with him what time will probably work and he blocks it off his work calendar.
@barry61 I take my baby. Really need to see the dentist for an infected wisdom tooth but have yet to find a dentist that’ll allow a baby in the office. Other than that, I take her with me. She loves my therapist.
@barry61 My husband takes time off or I bring the kid if he can’t. My oldest is in kindergarten and my youngest is in parting pre school. We also don’t have family around as we moved to a cheaper area to buy a home.
@barry61 My husband works from home, so sometimes I can get a super early appointment so it doesn’t conflict with work. Like for PT when I was pregnant with our third, or the dentist, I went a 7am. Also our dentist does weekend appointments, and appointments up to 7pm in the evening.