When did you feel like working out again? Week 9 starting to see the light


New member
Hey guys! Trigger warning: Bleeding / scary situation.

Been following this group since about week 5. I've been strength and HIIT training for about 4 years before pregnancy, everything from OTF, Crossfit, Alexia Clark, BBG and finally about a year of Peloton. I have both a bike and a tread! (I know, crazy).

I had to stop working out around week 6 after I did a Groove Ride on Peloton and the next day had a big scare. I was basically gushing blood with big clots. I thought it was over. I rushed to the doc, and miraculously, everything was fine. She said it could have been a little bit of separation between the embryo and the uterine lining that was healing itself. I had spotting through week 7 - and for the past 2 weeks it's been gone.

Of course, I'm now TERRIFIED to get back to working out. Besides the big scare I've been extremely nauseous and so tired. I can barely bring myself to take the dogs for a mile long walk. I get out of breath and have to sleep for an hour afterwards. But yesterday I did feel a lot better, so I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

My basic question for you guys is 1) when did you start feeling well enough to get back to training? 2) Anyone have a similar situation to me with bleeding in early pregnancy? 3) What would you do!? I'm eager to get back to at least strength training when i start to see the light at the end of the first trimester tunnel.
@pastorjohan I had a very similar situation around week 10. I had a great ride on the Peloton and then started gushing shortly after in the shower. I had a miscarriage a few months prior and was so sure it was over. I even drank a second cup of coffee while waiting for the Dr to call me back. It was my way of saying, "fuck this shit!". Less than an hour or so later I was at the drs looking at a perfect, happy fetus. There wasn't a good explanation above and beyond something similar you heard from your Dr. He put me on bed rest for two weeks. I'm now 34 weeks and still exercising.

I know this doesn't really give you the answers you're looking for. I've learned that there are a few aspects of pregnancy that we just don't know much about, i.e. spotting. My two cents? It's understandable to quickly assume worst case scenario but it doesn't always mean something bad is happening. Just keep swimming. 💛
@pastorjohan I’m so sorry about the scare, but so happy to hear that everything looks healthy and ok! There’s so much good stuff in the comments, here, but just wanted to add my own experience in case it helps and because I remember feeling this way!

I was SHOCKED by the fatigue and nausea (and headaches!) the first trimester. I spent whole days on the couch feeling awful about myself. It took time reading about athletes who took real time off and were real about their training when they felt good enough to work again, as well to speaking to all the athletic women in my life with kids. I feel like we get inundated with fitness Insta-influencers who either didn’t have challenging pregnancies or are editing their experiences for the gram. The women I read about and spoke to often didn’t work out again until 13-15 weeks, and even then, they gradually built back up, and some stayed at much lower intensities & weight than their pre-pregnancy efforts. Also I was inspired by all the incredible women here! I cried when I read a fellow mountain biker went out for her first ride since getting those 2 lines at 18 weeks!

All of this really helped me be kind to myself and trust that I will be able to do somethings, and the rest will be there when I’m able and ready. All of this was a roller coaster, and from weeks 7-16, I ran, lifted or cycled maybe 1-2 times a week all slowly, and spent at least 3 weeks straight doing NOTHING - not even light yoga.

I’m nearly 20 weeks now, and finally back to working out 4-5 days a week pretty regularly. It took me 3 weeks to get back to that cadence. I’m slower and have less energy than pre-pregnancy, but the joy I have of being out for that run or ride, or finishing a shortened lift set has been such a game changer. Also, learning how to listen to my body and not antagonizing myself if I felt like skipping a session is it’s own kind of freedom.

I know women who felt great all pregnancy and were doing cross fit or running marathons well into their 3rd trimesters. One friend taught spin until 36 weeks. Everyone was slower though, and everyone had days they skipped in favor of ice cream and a nap.

I just want to echo the others here to listen to your body, be forgiving of yourself - and know that carrying a baby is one way of building mental toughness and endurance...an aspect you can tap into on days you feel good enough to workout. And if you feel blah, try to think of the adage that “rest” is part of fitness. That’s what I’m telling myself - congrats on your pregnancy, and good luck with all your health goals!
@artiyadav Yes!! I have been absolutely floored at how much the first trimester has taken out of me. I know that when I finally get back to it its going to be so emotional haha! But hearing from all of you guys makes me feel so much better!!
@pastorjohan I made my first attempt at week 9 and really struggled. I felt significantly better by week 14 and that’s when I started working out consistently. For me, it was daily yoga and strength or HIIT about 3x/week. I’m in the third trimester now so cutting back and modifying where necessary.

Don’t push yourself too hard! And adjust your expectations - I was so frustrated at week 9 because I was unable to work at my usual pre-pregnancy intensity. But that’s okay! Just do what you can, if you can. At this point, cardio portions of my workouts are low impact, no jumping, senior citizen level moves.
@pastorjohan I was on and off until about 14 weeks and felt amazing, back to modified HIIT and even running. The early weeks it was more Pilates based. Now I’m comfortable with at home, HIIT, pilates, and runs. I use dumbbells / bands but that’s the only equipment.
@pastorjohan I never stopped but switched to low impact / staying in the saddle on peloton early on since I had SPD my first pregnancy and it is back early early. It helps me not push too hard without giving up on my beloved bike!!!
@pastorjohan At 16 months PP I am starting to feel ready. No joke. I just had no desire to until now, mostly because it was impossible to find time at first. And my boobs were always full and leaking for the first 9 months. Better late than never?
@pastorjohan I’m so sorry you went through that scare! Thank goodness all is good for you now. I’ve not had any experience with bleeding in my first pregnancy and not yet in my second (just barely 6 weeks now). With my first the nausea and fatigue hit me HARD at 6 weeks. I couldn’t even think about the gym. I started feeling better at 14 weeks and eased myself back into it. By 18 weeks I felt a lot better and although the intensity wasn’t the same as pre pregnancy I atleast was working out as often at 4-5 days a week. Take care of yourself. It’s perfectly fine to do exercises that feel good for you, walking, elliptical, body weight exercises. If you’re feeling good and your Ob clears you then try something more intense and see how your body feels. If it’s too much that’s okay! Just keep at it and be gentle with yourself. This pregnancy I feel good still so I’m still working out at same intensity and as often. But I also know how terrible the nausea and fatigue can hit.
@pastorjohan Usually I lift weights 5-7 days a week. I'm 11 weeks and 5 days now and have been going anywhere from 2-5 days. I've been super tired and achy the entire time and I just dont feel comfortable pushing through that when I'm pregnant.
@pastorjohan Thank you all for answering!!! I was starting to lose weight, weight lifting, gym every day and then boom pregnant. 11 weeks today!
I had some bleeding last week, and have been nervous. Everything is alright, though. Hoping I can get back to working out soon. My last pregnancy I gained 40lbs and it's been hard to lose the last 5 years :(
@pastorjohan This post actually makes me feel so much better... I’m week 9 with zero energy and just cannot make myself work out at all. I did a weights session last week and was completely exhausted for 2 days afterwards. Now trying to take it easy but this has given me hope that my energy will actually return at some point! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
@pastorjohan I worked out 6 days a week doing bootcamp style workouts pre pregnancy and while i was feeling well, I still went 6 days a week. A little before 6 weeks I started feeling a little nauseous and started cutting days (mostly took off plyo/hard conditioning days) but then my nausea got so bad and I realized I wasn’t even really enjoying going, I was just kind of forcing myself (I was lacking motivation hard feeling like I was working out for nothing and wouldn’t see any gains). I took off like 2.5-3 weeks and have started feeling a little better now at 8+5 so just went back yesterday and today. They were both strength days so I felt okay going. Tomorrow, I’m going to try again and it’s a conditioning day so we’ll see how it goes, but I’m hopeful!

I have not had a scare like yours however I have had prior losses so I definitely understand the anxiety about not wanting to harm anything! I asked my doctor about a million time for reassurance if it was okay to continue my workouts and she assured me that working out to the level you are used to is perfectly fine while pregnant and leads to very healthy pregnancies, just listen to your body and don’t overdo it! She also mentioned women that were able to keep working put reported less nausea as well so that’s a possible plus side for you when you decide to go back!
@pastorjohan I’m so sorry you had a scare!!
I had a really bad bleed at 10 weeks, baby was ok... but they told me to essentially do bed rest for 2 weeks and then pelvic rest for several weeks after. We ended up having a growth restricted baby IUGR, she measured 1 % at 20 week growth scan. My placenta and cord were not working well, and blood flow seemed to be restricted in my cord. After that I was treated as a high risk pregnancy. It was very scary and stressful! I had planned to have a “fit pregnancy”... it just wasn’t an option for me. I stayed as active as I could following guidance from my doctors. At one point I had a personal trainer that helped me get a good workout within the parameters I was given. Then with covid and things getting more complicated I ended up just doing walks and some basic exercises at home to keep me moving. What I learned through all of that was it’s just a temporary state of being and adjust expectations of yourself. Do what’s best for your body and your baby with your situation.
My baby is healthy 9 month old now! And I’m back to my regular workouts. :)
@pastorjohan I have not had the bleeding, but I did not work out the first trimester at all other than going on walks. At about week 13 I started to feel like my old self again. I do interval jogs as I can't do my daily 3 miles anymore, but I figure it's better than nothing.
@pastorjohan I’m in week 6 and struggling to get in five days. I think when we’re tired we should rest and not push. I’m older in this pregnancy so I won’t be pushing my body to breaking points. I have not bled in a pregnancy besides spotting in the very beginning. I do have a friend though that bled in the first two months of her pregnancy. She ended quitting working. The pregnancy went well and she had a healthy baby.
@pastorjohan I had the exact thing happen at week nine. My dr sent me to the er because I lost so much blood. The er doc put me on pelvic rest. You could see a dark line along the edge of my placenta where the hematoma was. I stayed on pelvic rest until I had a normal scan. As the baby grows it should resolve.

I was never as active but I was hiking throughout my second and third trimester. I started slowly and got better at listening to my body which I wasn’t doing before. I was just pushing through my workouts like I normally would.

Hope this helps. I’m sitting here with my baby right now contemplating a workout and procrastinating on Reddit.