What's your 1 nap schedule?

@mrjobosco Yeah I’m the dad and the baby hasn’t been breast fed for like a year. It seems like we’re doing the routine right, getting a ton of play time, socializes with other babies twice a week. Food has been rough though. She eats but isn’t crazy about carbs or most real food in general.

So it’s like this cycle of bath, read, bed, a few hours of down town and sleep ourselves and then if we’re lucky she wakes up once and wants a bottle and back to bed until 8. Sometime, however, she’ll wake up and be up from midnight until 5 and seemingly wide awake.
@robwebb Switched to 1 nap at 14.5 months. Now 18 months and same schedule. Nap time is to match nursery nap time.

Wake 7am

Nap 12.45-3pm (actually asleep 1-3pm, capped) / at nursery nap usually only 1.5hrs

Bed 8pm (asleep by 8.15pm), we do early bedtime 7.30/7.45pm if nursery nap is less than 1.5hrs.
@robwebb 15-month-old

Typical ranges:

Wakes 7:00 to 8:00am

Nap starts 11:00am to 1:00pm

If he naps for 2 hours, there’s one nap, if he naps for an hour and a half or less, there’s likely to be a 2nd nap

Asleep by 8:30 to 9:30pm (Bedtime routine starts 30 minutes to an hour before he knocks out)
@robwebb We transitioned to 1 nap at about 15 months old.

Usually do his nap at 12pm as he's usually tired by then. Sometimes we push it out to 1pm.

At the start he would only nap for an hour so we did 7pm -7am overnight. Now at 19 months old he has a 2-2.5 hour nap and we put him down 7.30-8pm and he usually wakes about 6.30-7am.
@robwebb We’re still transitioning to one nap (at almost 14mo) but we do:

Wake: 6.30-7am. Nap 1: 10.30/11ish-12:30. Catnap around 3.30 for 20mins. Bedtime: 7pm.
@robwebb He’s doing really well with this schedule. Some days he might fall asleep a little before his scheduled nap time, so then he wakes up a little early. But I stick with 8pm bedtime regardless of how his nap is.
We switched to one nap right at 12 months - a little earlier than I’d like, but it was just easier with things we have going on during the week. He started out with a 2.5 hour nap and then I had to cut it back because he was waking up in the middle of the night.
@robwebb I've been trying to move to 1 nap for so long. My 2 year old still naps twice a day and frankly thrives with it. Wake 7, nap 10(30ish) to 12 (30ish), nap 330 to 6, awake til 9. I'd live to live to one nap but pediatrician seems to think it's fine. And a double break is nice...
@chaserofgod This is where I'm at with our 17 month old. Seems like he is not going to change anytime soon. Interesting to see it could last until 2. All friends are on 1 nap, but also go to daycare where they only nap once.
@chaserofgod This is where I'm at with our 17 month old. Seems like he is not going to change anytime soon. Interesting to see it could last until 2. All friends are on 1 nap, but also go to daycare where they only nap once.