What's your 1 nap schedule?

@mrjobosco Yeah I’m the dad and the baby hasn’t been breast fed for like a year. It seems like we’re doing the routine right, getting a ton of play time, socializes with other babies twice a week. Food has been rough though. She eats but isn’t crazy about carbs or most real food in general.

So it’s like this cycle of bath, read, bed, a few hours of down town and sleep ourselves and then if we’re lucky she wakes up once and wants a bottle and back to bed until 8. Sometime, however, she’ll wake up and be up from midnight until 5 and seemingly wide awake.
@robwebb Switched to 1 nap at 14.5 months. Now 18 months and same schedule. Nap time is to match nursery nap time.

Wake 7am

Nap 12.45-3pm (actually asleep 1-3pm, capped) / at nursery nap usually only 1.5hrs

Bed 8pm (asleep by 8.15pm), we do early bedtime 7.30/7.45pm if nursery nap is less than 1.5hrs.
@robwebb 15-month-old

Typical ranges:

Wakes 7:00 to 8:00am

Nap starts 11:00am to 1:00pm

If he naps for 2 hours, there’s one nap, if he naps for an hour and a half or less, there’s likely to be a 2nd nap

Asleep by 8:30 to 9:30pm (Bedtime routine starts 30 minutes to an hour before he knocks out)

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