What's your 1 nap schedule?


New member
My baby (toddler? Lol 14mo) is on one nap and he is doing okay. I'm still playing with the wake windows to figure out what's best.

I thought moving to one nap would mean bedtime would be earlier, as on two naps we were pushing 8:30-9pm some days due to nap fighting.

Some days we do end up with an earlier bedtime, like today for example, he only slept for 1 hour so his bedtime was 6pm. But I was just thinking of his wake windows are extended to equal total awake time of 11 hours his bedtime would still be 8pm. So I was just curious what others one nap schedule looks like.
@robwebb I just want to say not every kid is going to sleep 2-3 hours for this one nap. My daughter is low sleep needs and only naps a long time if she's feeling ill.

She's 22m now and her nap is around 1 hr 20/30m. At home her nap is around 11:30. At daycare her nap is usually 1.5 hours and they do it at noon. It never extended to anything more than that. We go by the clock at this point. Sometimes she wakes up at 530, sometimes it's after 6 am. Her bedtime is 7pm because even if we put her down early, she doesn't fall asleep until then. Overall she gets 11-12 hours a day of sleep.

It's been like this since 16m. My husband stopped napping at a year old. His whole family only sleeps like 5-6 hours overnight and that's all they can sleep. So I'll take what I can with her.
@robwebb We stopped following WW when we moved to 2 naps, she just preferred to nap at the same time no matter when she woke up.

She's 12m

Up for the day between 7:00-7:30

Naptime is at 11:45 for 1 hour

Bedtime is 7:30.

She's a bit low sleep needs, daycare provider said she didn't nap yesterday, it was fine, she was in a great mood all the way till bedtime.
@robwebb Wake up: 6:30

Breakfast: 8

Snack: 9:30

Lunch: 11:30

Nap: 1-3

Snack: 3

Dinner: 5

Bedtime: 6:30

I remember struggling around 15 months when starting the transition to 1 nap. Some days we had 2 naps, some days 1. Some days lunch would be super early, some days a snack was skipped. It was all over the place, but around 16-17 months we were firmly at 1 nap and a set eating schedule. Those transitions are tough!
@katherineln My 20mo is the exact same except she wakes up at 7.30am and goes to bed at 10.30pm! Her nap in the day is usually 2 hours, if she wakes up from the nap at 3pm she is not tired until so much later! How do I make bed time earlier?
@robwebb 15 months, wake 6-6.30, one nap 12-2 and bed at 7, wakes once in the night. Sometimes two naps with the childminder or one 45 min nap at 10am and these nights are harder!
@robwebb Wake up 9/9:30 am, nap time 2-4:30(the latest) then bedtime is 9 pm. The nap time was a bit of a headache to figure out. 2 is the latest they can go down while having time to fall asleep and still get a good nap in. 4:30 is the latest they can sleep or they won’t be ready for bed by 9. Same for the morning. 9:30 is the latest they can sleep and still stay on our sleep schedule.
@robwebb 17mo, 7-8am wakeup, nap 12-1:30 or 2pm, 7-7:30pm bedtime. She sleeps a lot more when she is growing or sick. A couple weeks ago she did several days of 3 hour naps! She grew out of almost all her clothes around that time
@grace101 We moved to 1 nap just after his 1st birthday and he was sooo ready for it. The transition was so easy for us. I think probably around 11 months we could have done it as well!
@robwebb Every day is different and I don't follow a schedule, just rough wake windows from taking cara babies. We had to work up to making the 1st wake window longer (5.5/6 hours) and for the first month of transitioning to 1 nap he would definitely go to sleep early, 6pm some days. I trust his body will regulate himself and it does every time!

At that age we had 6-7 am wake up (closer to 6), nap anywhere between 11:30 and 12:30, he'd nap for 2-3 hours, then bed time 7-7:30
@robwebb We wing it every single day. I fought my LO too hard around earlier sleep regressions that just left me frustrated and resentful. He’s 19mos now, and we aim for 6-7:30am wake up, 11am-2pm nap start (1.5-3hrs), and bedtime is anywhere 8-9pm. This flexibility saved my sanity.

With that being said…. LO had his second hepA vaccine yesterday. We headed out around 10:50am, he fell asleep in the car around 11:15 and slept for 45 minutes. We had lunch in town, went to target, then to his appt. He fell asleep at home right after we got back around 3:30pm and slept for 1.5hrs. Went to bed at 8pm sharp, is currently wiggling and getting close to waking up (6:40am).

I have to go with the flow because stressing about his schedule just didn’t seem worth it to me.
@robwebb 17mo

Wake 7.30

Nap 12.15 (usually 2 hours, sometimes up to 3)

Bedtime 8

Between 13.5 and 14.5 of sleep

(Switch started when he was around 15m, he still has two naps-days from time to time, but it's getting less frequent)
@sdcole60446 Not possible with still breastfeeding toddlers. If that is not the case then cap his naptime, give him filling dinner and make sure the room is in a good sleep condition (cool, dark, etc) and have a proper calming sleep routine that starts 7:30pm