What time does your 1 year old go to sleep and wake up?


New member
Or if you have an older toddler, what were their sleep/wake times when they were 1 year?

My baby has never went to bed early. Always between 9-10pm. He wakes up around 7am. If he falls asleep before 9 he will wake up at 11pm and start talking/playing. Thankfully he’s good at sleeping through the night. But I always hear of other kids his age going to bed around 6-7pm and I don’t understand how?? I cannot get him to sleep earlier than 9 and even then he fights it so much. I would love to be able to have free time in the evenings because right now they’re rough. I’d like to hear your experience!
@logansc 11 months old and lately down by 6-7 and up at 6-7. Is it a problem if he wakes and talks? My kid has done that off and on and as long as she doesn’t cry I’m like talk away kid lol
@katrina2017 No I think it’s precious. It’s just I can’t sleep when I know he’s awake lol. So if he wakes 11/12pm because he went to bed too early then I’m not going to sleep until that time either
@logansc My 14 month old starts bedtime at 7, is asleep by 7:45 at the latest, and wakes between 6:45 and 7:15 depending on the day and whether we have to get him up a little earlier. I’m dreading when I start my new job soon and we have to wake him up earlier - I don’t see how we’ll make it to bedtime with an earlier wake up, because he gets GRUMPY by bedtime.
@pauljok1 Oh he’s in the process of naturally dropping his second nap right now, which is the reason for the current grumpy evenings, and daycare is working to move his single nap later in preparation for his transition to the next room with a set 1-3 nap time, which I think will help us a lot. Right now, he typically goes down for his first nap around 10:30 and wakes up around 12/12:30, so by the time we get to bedtime he’s had a 7 hour wake window and the exhaustion is palpable. He wants to nap around 5 pm and that’s an absolutely no go for us for so many reasons, so we’re just going to make it through the current grumpies and hopefully getting that nap to be later will help.

But earlier bedtime really isn’t possible given our work schedules - I’m in-person only, it’ll be a 45 minute commute from daycare, 8-4:30 barring overtime, and my husband is hybrid but 8/8:30-5 with a 30 minute commute 2-3 days a week, so by the time we’re home and get through dinner, it’s basically 7. I did talk to daycare today and confirmed that we can change our morning routine so that we just get him up and dressed and he gets breakfast there, so I don’t think we’ll have to wake him up much earlier, which is good.

I appreciate the suggestions, though! I just wish we had a more flexible schedule that would let us adjust like he needs, but we’ve got a degree of rigidity to our jobs that adds to the challenge.
@logansc Almost 2 years old but since he was 12 months, bedtime at 7:30pm, wake up at 6:30am. We sleep trained and don't intervene at night. If he wakes up between sleep cycles, he soothes himself back to sleep within 15 min. Nap is at daycare from 1-3pm and we follow the same schedule on weekends. Maybe your baby is just a night owl - some people (even babies) are just wired that way.
@logansc At 1 my kids mostly went to bed around 7:30pm and would wake up around 7:00 or 7:30am. They nap around 12pm or 1pm for 2-2.5 hours. My kids are also pretty flexible and adaptable if we have an event that conflicts with bed or nap time. All my kids are champion sleepers with high sleep needs. It’s interesting because we have a few adopted children. Things like schedules (with age appropriate wake windows), sleep hygiene, and bed time routines help a lot. Does he get enough physical exercise and stimulation? Try to tire him out in the late afternoon.

Most babies at this age have the highest sleep pressure around 7-8pm. Plus some families have to wake up early for school and daycare. Putting baby to bed that early is likely the only way their baby can get 12 hours overnight.

What is your son’s nap schedule? When do you start his bedtime routine? What is his routine like? If he’s going to bed later, he could be overtired and have gotten his “second wind.” If this schedule is bothersome to you, I’d try to consistently put him to bed earlier for a few weeks. You’ll need to adjust his nap and wake schedule accordingly. You can put him to bed even if he doesn’t fall asleep right away. You can’t make a person sleep. If my kids can’t fall asleep they are allowed to play with their stuffed animals or listen to music or their Tonie box. They do have to stay in their bed with the light off. Normally they fall asleep within 10-15 minutes.
@kezi He naps around 10 after a few hours of playing in the morning, then again around 3 or 4. He gets so tired that he gets super whiny and won’t eat or do much of anything. It seems like changing it to 1 nap at a time in between those would help, but I have no idea how.

I think he definitely has the “second wind” because he is HYPER around 9. Usually I start the bedtime routine 7:30-8. Bathtime, fresh pajamas, reading a book and/or just quality time together talking, bottle (which he basically refuses now), lights out and sound machine on. It’s been the same for months so he knows it’s bedtime. He’ll start to seem like he’s going to sleep - sucking his thumb, laying on my chest, thren he’ll just pop up and start laughing. If I lay him in his crib sometimes he’ll easily sleep by himself in a few minutes and sometimes he rolls around like a maniac. Tonight we went through all of that until I gave up and left him in his crib after he smacked me in the face (lol) and my husband came and took him. He was playing so actively until 10 and he finally fell asleep. That was so detailed but maybe it’ll help you understand 😂
@logansc I put my babies down for a nap at 11ish so if you can slowly move up the first nap time and try and drop that late evening nap then he should be able to go to bed earlier in the evening .
@logansc My 1 year old is the same exact way. She goes to bed between 9-10 and wakes up by 7. No matter how hard we've tried, we can't get bed time to be earlier. My son was the same way too. Don't know how people get their kids to go to bed so early. No matter what we've tried with both kids, it's never worked for us.
Probably not helpful, but at least you know you're not alone.