What the f?! (A vent)


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I’m 30 years old, I’m physically fit, I workout 4-5 days a week doing a mix of cardio hiit and strength training. (All prep pregnancy).

I’m now 17+2 weeks pregnant and Im sore taking my dog on a 2 mile walk! Im dying when my heart rate is only 132, my hips hurt. what the f?! Lol

I know I know I’m growing a human. I’m just saying I don’t like this side effect. I want my stamina and ease of movement back!
@cuteness20 First trimester I worked out 4-5 days a week and I was CERTAIN I was gonna do that all through my pregnancy. Fast forward to today, 35 weeks, huge, tired and my workout for today was picking up a bar of soap I dropped in the shower. Just existing is a workout at this point lol.
@cuteness20 Same scenario as you. 30 y/o and weightlifting and cardio before pregnancy. First trimester dropped 20lbs and all my muscle mass it seemed. I’m 18 weeks now and I get such sore muscles and fatigue way easier just after light cycling, kettlebell workout, aqua fit or yoga. I expected a change in ability but I was really thinking I’d have a fit pregnancy lmao I’ve been humbled. It’s survival mode for me.
@cuteness20 Some women get more hormones, especially relaxin, than others. I was extremely physically fit my first pregnancy and could barely walk after the first trimester. Second pregnancy I was less fit and it sucked the whole time. I tried everything, more rest, less exercise, more exercise, PT, support bands, vitamins ect. Giving birth is the only solution. Pregnancy is hard. Hugs!
@heleneamanda Seconding the yoga/stretch routine. I do it religiously every evening. It releases a bunch of weird pains and re-align stuff. My hips hurt like hell for like a week until I discovered two stretches that put my SI joint back in the proper position when needed. When I skip my routine, I notice immediately throughout the day and I sleep worse (because I'm in pain in so many positions).

Basically, my whole workout regime is now just focused on stopping my body from falling apart during this pregnancy lol. I do a bunch of (pregnancy safe) core exercises to prevent back pain and pains in the ligament holding my uterus. This also helped when my uterus was starting to prolapse into my vagina last month. I also try to keep up with walking as cardio so my shortness of breath doesn't worsen.

Btw, I'm 17 weeks and I'm just trying to hang on to a functioning body! 😂 So I guess this is just how this is going to be.
@cuteness20 Ugh. Same. I went for a two mile walk (like slowly, through a city park, minor hills) and my hips are killing me and I can barely walk. I primarily ran and did some strength training, but yeah... its brutal...
@cuteness20 That’s why for some people I think it’s better to not workout during pregnancy and just stick to walking.

I was the same and my groin and pelvis would hurt really bad even if I did very light stuff.

I would rather lose some muscle then wreck my sciatic nerve and pelvic floor, so now I just stick to walking and yoga
@cuteness20 Same, nearly exactly. I’ve had to drop to power walking and mild biking, but I can still do weights in many respects. My quads and butt are actually doing awesome these days! I’m up ~35 pounds after 25 weeks and a good chunk of that is muscle!

But I can’t go as hard as I’d like on, say, kettlebell swings or pull-ups, due to pelvic floor and upper ab limitations.

I’m still feeling like I’m hitting my max effort/endurance for the day at least 5 days a week. That’s what matters more to me than the fact that I’ve had to put running on hiatus.

Do what your body says is ok, and you’ll be doing GREAT!!
@cuteness20 Glad I am not alone in this! I am 36 weeks now with my second pregnancy. My first pregnancy I worked out consistently until about 34 weeks. I also ran the Boston Marathon this year and began this pregnancy in really great shape. This pregnancy has hit me like a ton of bricks - I've barely been able to walk consistently. It has really shaken my confidence but I am looking forward to working out again postpartum. Hang in there! Pregnancy is harder than any endurance event I've done 😭
@cuteness20 Relaxin can be a B. Plus, you have vastly more blood pumping through your body, sustaining a life inside of you; that takes energy from you every second of the day even if you cannot actively feel it.
@creexpl I always called myself the blood lord while pregnant.

Cold weather? The blood lord could not care less. A sleeveless shirt will suffice.

(Now three months postpartum I'm happily freezing my ass off again.)