What do you do during wake windows???

@poorelectron Oh my goodness, this reminds me. I used to show my daughter herself in the mirror everyday like how you would a cat or a dog and say “That’s you baby!” And obviously from newborn to 5-6 months, their vision isn’t that great. Well I started at a new job where I work 7-2, so I just stopped doing it. She turned a year old and we’re getting ready to shower and I’m holding her and she points to the mirror and says “Me!” I was so shocked lol. Every time she sees a mirror, she walks up to it and points to herself now
@elsa I do the same. My daughter is 9.5 months now and every time we see a mirror I say "who's that beautiful lady? Oh it's (name)!". I'm going to do it until she tells me to stop :p
@misslou You can do those contrast cards for longer, if baby is interested in them! My technique was show one card until baby looked away, then switch to a different one. My husband likes rotating the cards 90 degrees every few seconds.

The previous commenter had my to suggestions and is only missing going outside or for a walk, bundle up if it's cold, strip down if it's hot. If baby dislikes stroller and carrier, just hold them in your arms or over your shoulder.
@misslou You can also have her practice tracking things with her eyes and moving her head and neck by slowly moving the cards in different directions while she follows. This is one of my two month old’s favorite activities.
@perviasrectas I ought to try cards again. I didn’t think she’d be interested anymore (4m now). She would fuss if I showed them to her or if she stared at the ones on the wall, seemed like she needed more variety and she already saw those ones too many times
@misslou Everyone’s out great ideas already, but I’ll add some more. You could read more books, my bub loves lying on a play mat outside under a tree/feel the grass, get an infant gym for bub to lie under and look at/feel toys (we loved hanging the o-ball from hers and she’d bat at it), easy sensory activities (eg piece of crinkle paper to kick/feel in hands), water mat for tummy time, baby just watching you do chores (and narrate what you’re doing so she hears a range of words- range of words is more important than letters/numbers), go for a walk, go to baby activities (eg story time at the library, mummy and me exercise class)
@august21 I agree with this and second getting an O-ball! My baby had zero interest in toys and was technically kind of “behind” on the toy milestone at 4 months, and then one of our friends gave us an O-ball and it became his absolute favorite thing in the world. He quickly hit the toy milestones after that lol.
@misslou Independent play is a great skill to have baby work on! Give her a toy and see if she can be content staring at it, grasping at it, etc. Walking outside is also great. When my babe was 3 m I usually did a combo of tummy time, contrast images, walking around, independent play for a few min.
@misslou Just stopped by to say we also have a ceiling fan god! We have a song for it too..
“Is that your biggest faaaan is that your biggest faaan” over and over.. my 3.5 mo loves it!
@rjpkrp My husband and I did this too! We moved houses and I asked my husband today if he thinks LO misses his greatest fan 😂 he’s found a new fan so seems happy 😆