What do y’all do when your wife is away on a business trip and you’ve got all three kids 24/7?

Bedtime is the most difficult. I have a 7/5/2, all trending up. My two year old either doesn’t nap for multiple days or naps one day for 3+ hours. I’m juggling everything.
@kasimira I hate that I yell so much. Then I see my oldest yell at my youngest in the same way that I do and it makes me feel like the worst dad ever. 5 seconds later I’m yelling again >
@laodicean60 So stop. Be the change you want to see. You are literally recognizing that you are passing down bad habits. Control your emotions so your kids don’t hurt their kids in the same way.
@ajewelinhiscrown Routine, kids thrive off routine.

My kids know when dinner is, we usually have it around 5. So my 1 and 2 year old will start yelling at the gate letting me know they’re hungry. As soon as I open the gate they’re running to their seats. Then it’s bath time right after and they’re running up the stairs. After bath it’s back down stairs for some Bluey. By this time is nearly 7 and we get maybe two episode before they’re tugging at my shirt to go to bed.

As for naps, our 2 year old doesn’t really nap which isn’t a big deal most days because she goes right to sleep at bed time. Our 1 year old still naps and we don’t let her go over 2 hrs. Even if that means we have to deal with a cranky baby for a bit, most naps are between 10 and 1 pm. If we get through the day without a nap it just means an earlier bed time. So instead of a 730pm bed time she’s going to bed between 530 pm and 630 pm. She gets about 12-14 hrs of sleep a night de pending on the day of the week.
@bellathebluejay Im sorry but this is the most unrealistic picture I've ever heard of having 2 kids lol. Your 1 yr old sleeps 12-14 hrs? Your kids run to their seats and sit down for dinner? Your kids tug at your shirt because they want to go to bed? This isn't going to ring true for 99% of parents. I guess all kids are different, so that's great for you guys, but this is far from realistic or typical.
@ajewelinhiscrown You and all three kids take deep breaths. Seriously, deep breathing enhances self-regulation. You will feel less crazy, and they will act out just a little bit less. Make it a pattern to do it multiple times every day. I like meal times.

Have the 7 year old help the 2 year old get ready for bed. Don't throw everything on 7, just give 7 the opportunity to step up and shine.

You got this Dad!
@ajewelinhiscrown My wife is gone right now for a week for work - 2 kids 4//5. This happens maybe 5/6 times a year. Maybe once a year for me.

Like others I stick to routines, but I work my butt off
- bring the energy, be present, plan out activities, try new things
- clean the house to zero every night
- pretend like it was so easy to my wife and we didn’t miss her when she gets home
@kimmy12 I found my wife was a little sad when I was too good at this. Like she wanted to feel validated. A little mess left over and a little complaining might be okay ;)