What are your "do it all" life hacks?

When I was just starting to get the swing of being a mom I went back to work. And then I was on top of everything for a few weeks until I caught c***d and now I'm just so tired. So what are your working mom life hacks?
@holyspiritleads2truth Prioritize. You can’t do everything, so figure out what’s really important.

Also, outsource anything you can (cleaning, meal kits, etc), have anything delivered that you can (groceries, Amazon subscription for household consumables), and absolutely everything goes in the digital calendar. Everything.
@raneubb So I like cooking but I hate meal planning/organizing my grocery list. So I actually have an app (Mealime) that I pay for that I just pick a few dinner recipes and it spits out a list for me. We're also a lower carb household (due to medical reasons) and I'm trying to keep an eye on my calories (still losing baby weight) so for me being able to search by nutrition content/time/price is so worth it.
@holyspiritleads2truth I was doing meal planning, but I ended up going full meal kit. You don’t think it will be that much more of a lift off of you but it totally is, directions and ingredients ready to go, order extra for lunch leftovers. Basically I buy breakfast food once every two weeks and some extra bagged salads and don’t have to add going to the store to the list of to dos. I pick out our meal boxes while I pump.
@christiansworldwideweb I'm the opposite of this, we did meal kits because we thought meal planning would be too hard, but now we're on an A week/B week meal plan that I made, and then we do grocery pick up to save on the fees, and it's been great. Especially because we know the meals really well now.
@raneubb Do you use an app for the calendar? Im looking for something for my husband and i to use and he already doesn’t pay attention when I invite him to things on the Apple calendar..sigh
@throwawaymana I use Google Calendar with my husband. We have our own calendars but can see each other’s as well. When it’s something we’re both invited to, I just add him as a guest so it sends him an email to RSVP.
@throwawaymana We use the apple calendar. Make sure he’s got notifications set up for it, and make a shared household calendar so he doesn’t wait to accept the invite.

My husbands not the best about checking it daily, but I just keep redirecting him to it when he asks what’s going on today. We may try putting it on our Alexa too.
@throwawaymana My husband completely ignores every calendar ever until I stuck a Skylight calendar in our kitchen. He's obsessed and it keeps him knowing what type of shitshow were running thay day. It's digital and syncs with my Google calendar.