What are babies like at 5-6 months


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I'm a ftm to a 2 month old, and I'm trying to make plans for the holidays in December. LO will be just shy of 6 months then.

Since this is our first kid, I really don't know what to expect. Will we be sleeping more than we are now? Will we be spending less time feeding \ contact napping \ washing bottles? Will it be easier to pop baby in the carseat and go out for a couple of hours? Will we have any time to do non baby things?

I know every baby is different but I'm curious to know how your baby was at 2 months vs 5 months and what got better n what got worse?

Update: thank you all for so many responses! The general consensus seems to be that babies sleep better by then, most still didn't sleep through the night though. They are eating fewer larger meals, general fussiness tends to go down and they're more interactive and fun. Some babies don't really recover from the 4 month sleep regret, based on this thread alone, that seems to be less common though.
@thomasleonard So, as you know, every baby is different, but the 5-6 month mark was a super game changer for us. Our son had been sleeping through the night since 3 months and it had been consistent for months so we were finally truly enjoying the sleep. He was developing his little personality so much. Contact napping was slowing. It was so much easier to get out and about and enjoy some time visiting in other peoples houses. I think this was the point where I started truly enjoying being a mom.

Our son was also 5-6 months around Christmas so it was super exciting to have a more alert baby for Christmas. He even managed to open some presents. Looking back, he still was such a little potato (he’s 13 months now haha) but yeah it was a game changing time for us.
@thomasleonard 6 month old here. Will be sleeping more, possibly 8-10h at night. Will eat more quantity, but fewer times, 4 or 5 times a day. Will be more present, more curious about things so will require more attention and activities. Will get bored more easily. Will take 2-3 naps a day, 1-2h long each.
@2bberean Just to offer a counter experience - my baby is 5.5 months and sleeps terribly since the 4 month regression. She still does short naps and prefers contact naps. She is much more alert and active but if anything it makes it harder to do anything as she needs constant entertainment. It really does depend on the baby
@evans26 Same. At 2 months, my baby often slept for 8 hour stretches at night. Now, at almost 6 months, he wakes up every 2-3 hours. He still eats around 8-10 times a day.

I’ve found the 3-6 month phase much more challenging than the newborn phase.
@davvda Yep same. We were getting 7 hour stretches and foolishly thinking that was it, we had a magic baby. Then bam, regression hit at 3.5 months and sleep has been atrocious ever since
@wolfgang85 It gets even better! I remember holding out for 5-6 months. Now at 9 months (tomorrow!) it’s somehow even better. Each day is really exciting for us now. He may nap less often, but he’s so much more interactive and is obviously actively learning and doing things. He’s mobile. He throws tantrums like a toddler. He’s better at communicating what he wants (he understands some signs) which makes the whole guess what he needs thing way easier. His personality is really shining through now and it is beyond special to watch him grow up.

The first few months are so rough, but it really gets easier compared to the newborn days. You are more confident as a parent, and more settled in your routines as time goes on. We of course have our stressful days, but I was nonstop stressed/depressed/miserable for the first 3.5-4 months. And the whole them developing their personality is really fun to watch.
@kie Yeah I'm with you here. Sleeps well at night, 1 wake up but day naps are 30mins to an hour only. Very high energy, shes commando crawling everywhere so needs to be watched consistently, lots of activities, wriggly worm she doesnt just sit on my lap at a cafe anymore she wants to roll around on the floor and explore
@2bberean I have a 3.5 month old, and I found this past week on vacation with family to be easier in someways because I had other people and things to entertain him. As opposed to being at home with him alone. However, he’s already wanting floor time, as one day after being carried and in the stroller he was screaming until I carried him like superman back to the room, and was definitely excited for his tummy time when we got back. I suspect at 6 months that will be still true however, I think he’ll be even more mobile and that would be a challenge in an unfamiliar place.