What’s the obsession with teeth?!

@meanstreak60 My son didn’t get any teeth until 13 months, then only had those two teeth until 19 months. He now still only has 8 at 21 months. And not the regular first 8- top and bottom 4 and then 4 on the sides. Sometimes they just come late!
@meanstreak60 my 7 month old has had white spot that feels like a tooth almost breaking for a week!! Last night she woke up at 12:30, despite usually sleeping through the night, just pissed. I gave her some Tylenol and hoped this meant it would break by morning.

No such luck 😵‍💫 seeing these comments about first teeth 12-18 months in is terrifying me lmao
@meanstreak60 Mine didn’t get any teeth until 12 months. Now she is 19 months and has 16 teeth! I’m kind of glad I didn’t have to deal with a teething 6 month old lol