What’s the obsession with teeth?!

@meanstreak60 Mine is 10.5 months and is just starting to cut her first tooth. We got all of the same comments you do and now they just changed to comments about her new teeth coming in.

It never ends. If it's not teeth it's something else.
@meanstreak60 I love that response! 🤣

I’m not sure if the grandparents spend a lot of time around her, but if they do- it’s probably because whenever the baby is crying, they can just say “teething” instead of handing the baby that’s screaming and reaching for mama back haha
@meanstreak60 There's a reason our parents gave us whiskey to help with teething...I think that generation is traumatized by babies teething and it's probably the only thing they remember haha
@meanstreak60 Omg for me it was the eye color. I have brown eyes and my husbands whole family has light eyes except his mom. So every week it was "any eye color yet??" I was almost relieved when his beautiful brown eyes came through cause I knew what they were waiting for was for him to have green eyes
@meanstreak60 My mother isn't obsessed with teeth, but is obsessed with the baby eating solids (he's 7m as of yesterday) and every day she's asking what new foods he's trying, and asking for videos of him eating, and saying how she can't wait to see him him XYZ food. Obesity and diabetes run on her side and I'm already getting riled up fielding her incessant inquiries and trying to heal my own food issues without her imparting them on my son as well.
@meanstreak60 My 5.5 month old is teething right now, and I’d gladly put this off if I could. I felt in her mouth last night and felt something hard but this morning it’s pointy, so it’s definitely poked through within the last 18 hours. My poor baby is so uncomfortable. I’m distracting her, offering teethers, using soft cold foods as teethers, and do Tylenol, but it all only helps so much. Revel in not teething, Mama!
@meanstreak60 Well, count me in. Exact same story. Just that my son is now a toothless 11 month old. I got my first one at 13 months so I'm not worried. In fact, I absolutely adore his gummy smiles. But my mom!!! Lol that's another story and they always come with a concern of what I've been feeding him. I always respond with - well your baby had theirs at 13 months.. what did you feed me for that long. You give me ideas.
The response? "I don't remember"
@meanstreak60 So my daughter got her first set of teeth at 5 months old. She is 11 months old now and her 4th set are coming in now. That being said, she is not walking yet and just started crawling normally (moved on from army crawling which didn't start until she was 9 months old).

Her baby friends, one who is a month older and another who is a month younger only have 2 teeth right now but are both walking perfectly.

So, every baby does things at their own speed and from what I've seen, it almost seems like either a baby develops faster physically (teeth for example) or develops motor skills faster (walking). This may not be the case but from the other babies I have met it seems to be a trend.
@meanstreak60 I love that. If it’s any consolation, my daughter didn’t get them until 9 months and then got seven yes SEVEN in one month. She got her first just before Christmas and by the end of January she had 7. She’s 14 months and still only has 7. When people made comments like “any teeth yet?” I would say nope but she’ll still bite!