What’s the obsession with teeth?!

@katrina2017 Yeah, every time my kid was even a bit fussy it would be, "Oh, he must be teething!" from about 4 months. He just got his first at 9.5 months. He has a cousin who is 3 months younger who got his at the same time. They are all on their own timetable.
@jannikitty Exactly! Like people get so obsessed with milestones. My friend and I had our babies 12 days apart. Watching how some things have been the same, but mostly completely different between their development has been crazy! Her baby got the first tooth right at 4 months, my baby is at 7 months without a tooth in sight. Which I’m fine with because I’m still nursing and honestly am not ready for that stage of our lives.
@meanstreak60 Haha with my MIL it’s “is he crawling yet??”

People just need to stop asking if baby has done X yet. It can be triggering for parents worried about things or just simply gets repetitive. Just ask, “so, anything new with baby?”
@antiteck Not going to lie, I don’t even want to see my MIL because of it. I was already worried about my baby hitting milestones because he’s a late roller and born premature. And MIL seems to forget my baby was born 4 weeks premature. She started asking at 6 months also, whether our baby was crawling (I’m not sure where she gets this from because our niece figured out crawling at 9 months and she was overdue). He was 5 months adjusted…